- 1. His work is considered the acme of cinematic art.
- 他的作品被认为是电影艺术的巅峰。
- 2. He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness.
- 他以电影般的精确回忆了他的故乡孟买。
- 3. The actor will soon join the Marvel Cinematic Universe once he begins work on the upcoming superhero flick, Doctor Strange.
- 这个演员很快就会加入漫威电影宇宙,投入其在即将到来的超级英雄影片《奇异博士》的工作。
- 4. In the end, the power of cinematic sound to both move audiences and enhance the story persuaded studios that talkies were worth investing in.
- 最后,电影音效的力量既感动了观众,又增强了故事情节,这让电影公司相信有声电影值得投资。
- 5. Then, in 1912, an Italian 2-hour film was hugely successful, and Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the dominant cinematic convention of today.
- 随后,在1912年,意大利一部2小时的影片取得了巨大的成功,从此好莱坞致力于小说篇幅的叙述,这也成为今天电影制作的主流惯例。
- 6. All this is potentially rich cinematic fodder.
- 这一切都为电影提供了丰富的素材。
- 7. The result was a leap forward for cinematic realism.
- 结果是极大地推进了电影的现实性。
- 8. Which of my cinematic sensations can I actually trust?
- 我经历的那些感觉中又有那些可以相信呢?
- 9. We pick our 10 favorite city-crumbling cinematic beasts of all time.
- 这里,我们挑了电影史上10只最受喜爱的、能量足以摧毁城市的怪兽。
- 10. The film is a cinematic pamphlet about a civil rights issue that's far from resolved.
- 这部影片是对那些远远没有解决的公民权利的电影宣传册。
- 11. The cinematic portrayal of energy has varied from spot-on to loose to downright ridiculous.
- 电影情节中对能源的描绘各式各样,有时精确无误、有时略显夸张,而有时则是彻头彻尾的胡扯。
- 12. Whereas normally 10 minutes is a short amount of time, Youtube turns it into a cinematic experience.
- 那里通常在十分钟这样短的一个时间内优酷把短片变成一种电影的体验。
- 13. It is a safe bet that the master of post-modern cinematic irony intended nothing so simplistic as this.
- 要说这位后现代电影讽刺大师所要打算的事情绝非这般简单,则稳操胜券。
- 14. What if cinematic classics like The Godfather were casting right now, for the first time – in 2010?
- 如果像《教父》这样的银幕经典即刻就在2010年第一次挑选演员,会怎么样?
- 15. It's scary stuff. Fortunately, there's help thanks to my extensive zombie cinematic background and training.
- 这委实是桩可怕的事儿。好在我平日对僵尸片涉猎甚广,因而储备了丰富的背景知识和逃生技巧。
- 16. Ironically Bigelow's cinematic journey could not have strayed farther from the path of female directors before her.
- 颇具讽刺意味的是,毕格罗的电影之旅并未过多地偏离那些男性导演前辈们的轨迹。
- 17. Clearly, the hobbits and wizards of "the Lord of the Rings" are not all that Mr Jackson has up his cinematic sleeve.
- 显然,《指环王》中的“哈比人”和“巫师”并不能代表杰克逊在电影上的全部创意。
- 18. He has total artistic freedom and has been dubbed a cinematic genius by both Variety and The Poultryman's Journal.
- 在电影艺术上,他有完全的创作自由,以至于《杂耍杂志》和《家禽贩子日报》不得不将影视奇才的头衔安在此君的头上。
- 19. Perhaps more importantly, the movie's incredibly immersive 3-d visuals set a new standard for cinematic excellence.
- 也许更重要的是,这部电影为电影界开创了3d视觉的新标准。
- 20. She cited several cinematic examples of black characters who function as the white leading lady's best friend or caretaker.
- 她举了几个电影中成为白人女主角良师益友的黑人角色。
- 21. The cinematic space odysseys are part of the new IMAX film Hubble 3d, which opens today at select IMAX theaters worldwide.
- 这个电影化的太空冒险是哈勃三维IMAX电影的一部分,今天在世界范围部分IMAX电影院首映。
- 22. No deep thoughts here; this is a product of shiny surfaces and snappy patter, the cinematic equivalent of a derivatives offering.
- 它没有深邃的思想,只是一部拥有光鲜外表和时髦行话的电影作品。
- 23. This means there are often lengthy gaps between a film's cinematic release, its appearance on DVD and its broadcast on pay-TV.
- 这意味着一部影片在电影院上映、发行dvd和在付费电视上播放之间往往存在较长的间隔。
- 24. The lens has a small motor in it that starts at one side and revolves 120 degrees to capture a cinematic view of what I was seeing.
- 镜头配有一个小马达,它能旋转120度角,以电影视角抓拍我看到的一切。
- 25. The new editions, he said, are "like dipping a novel into a cinematic pool and pulling it out and getting the best parts of each."
- 新的版本,他说,就象“把一篇小说浸入一个充满了影像的池中,然后把它拉出来,从而得到两者的精华。”
- 26. These films exhibit a vibrant aesthetic sensibility, one that maintains a cinematic coolness that never succumbs to camp or kitsch.
- 这些早期电影充满了鲜活的美感、冷酷的格调和永远不屈从于任何阵营或流派的精神。
- 27. After the cinematic, make the usual rounds of the ship, then get back to the Bridge for the next mission selection via the Star Map.
- 之后,两回合的船时,通常就回到斯坦福桥为下一个任务选择通过星图。
- 28. You describe, for example, how you are able to quickly learn new languages, and remember scenes from years earlier in cinematic detail.
- 例如,你描述了你如何能快速学会几种新语言,并且记住很久以前像影片场景般的生活细节。
- 29. Of all the days in the year, one might think, Super Bowl Sunday should be the one most dedicated to the cinematic celebration of macho.
- 可能有人会想了,在这种日子里,周日超级杯应该是展示男子气概的最盛大庆祝活动。
- 30. J&K: There's a cinematic quality to them in both the way it captures a moment as well as the coming together of still imagery and moving imagery.
- J&K: 这种技术有一种电影的特质:一是它试图捕捉一个瞬间的片段,而是它结合了静止的和运动的图像。