- 1. The system of matrilineal clans was maintained throughout this period, even though some clans merged to form larger groups while others pided into smaller descent groups.
- 尽管一些氏族合并成更大的氏族,而另一些氏族则分裂成更小的氏族,但母系氏族制度在这一整个时期一直保持着。
- 2. Bafipo was a matrilineal society and a settled agricultural community.
- 半坡属于母系社会,是以农业为主的定居村落。
- 3. This fieldwork brings a new example for the studies of matrilineal system.
- 这一调查结果为人类学对母系制的研究提供了新的田野样本。
- 4. Early in human society, our society is pided into matrilineal and patrilineal clan clan.
- 在人类社会的早期,我们的社会被分为母系氏族和父系氏族。
- 5. The materials of the surname Feng and those of the matrilineal descent surnames are provided by Mr.
- 所刻风姓和女系下传姓资料由我国著名学者王大有先生提供;
- 6. Objective To explore audiological features of matrilineal non syndromic deafness and its molecular mechanism.
- 目的探讨母系遗传性非综合征性耳聋的听力学特征及分子遗传学机制。
- 7. The results show the affinity of the ancient population with eastern Asian populations in matrilineal lineage.
- 结果表明,饮牛沟古代人群与现代东亚人群在母系遗传关系上较近。
- 8. The females advantageous position in the matrilineal society depended on their contribution to bearing children.
- 女性在母系社会中的优越地位主要是由于她们在生育子嗣方面的贡献,此时男性的生育作用尚未被认识。
- 9. However, few other matrilineal splits from the first 100,000 years of the species's history have survived to the present day.
- 然而,10万年之前人类历史上的其他的母系分群几乎没有存活至今的。
- 10. However, few other matrilineal splits from the first 100, 000 years of the species's history have survived to the present day.
- 然而,10万年之前人类历史上的其他的母系分群几乎没有存活至今的。
- 11. It covers data on both matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo society, and ethnographic information on patrilineal Mosuo families.
- 它的资料涵盖母系与父系双行的摩梭社会,以及父系摩梭家庭的民族志内容。
- 12. The evolution of the status of women: Engels believed that the matrilineal clan really existed in earlier period of the primitive society.
- 女性地位的演变:恩格斯认为原始社会初期母系氏族是存在过的。
- 13. Under the circumstance of taking changes of productive and life way, matrilineal culture and family of Bazhu village are also taking changes.
- 在生产生活方式发生变迁的情况下,八珠村的母系文化和母系家庭也发生着变化;
- 14. "Matrilineal family (living with wife's family)", a very popular marriage mode for Yao people, shakes the core of the traditional bearing culture.
- 从妻居是瑶族十分流行的一种婚嫁模式,这种婚嫁模式动摇了传统生育文化的内核。
- 15. The results show that the ancient population is closer to the populations from Northern Asian than the other compared populations in matrilineal lineage.
- 研究结果表明,和林格尔古代人群在母系遗传上与现在北亚人群的亲缘关系最近。
- 16. In fact, in Meghalaya, marriages are matriarchal with a matrilineal system where property, names and wealth passes from mother to daughter rather than father to son.
- 事实上,在梅加拉亚邦,婚姻为母系婚姻,采用母系传承制,在这一制度之下,姓名、资产和财富都通过母亲传给女儿而不是通过父亲传给儿子。
- 17. The unique Moso matrilineal marriage customs made me lost in thought: love, whether to stay together and slowly getting old ever and ever, or just to have the chance sharing heart.
- 独特的摩挲族母系婚姻传统使我陷入了沉思:爱是意味着白头偕老,直到永恒,还是仅仅为内心的分额。
- 18. The unique Moso matrilineal marriage customs made me lost in thought: love, whether to stay together and slowly getting old ever and ever, or just to have the chance sharing heart.
- 独特的摩挲族母系婚姻传统使我陷入了沉思:爱是意味着白头偕老,直到永恒,还是仅仅为内心的分额。