- 1. 'a real spitfire,' your father said. "Guillermo smiled."
- 你爸爸说你是个‘真正的烈性子’。
- 2. Here, we compared Germany's Messerschmitt ME-109 to the Allied planes, America's P-40 and the British Spitfire.
- 这张图片里,将德国梅塞施米特的ME- 109和盟军飞机,美国的P -40和英国的喷火式战斗机进行比较。
- 3. Last night he said: 'We've tried to create a new British design icon, like Concorde, the Spitfire or the Routemaster bus.
- 昨晚他这样说道:“我们要为英国创造一项新的标志,就像协和飞机,‘喷火’战斗机和双层巴士一样。”
- 4. The next choice is a web-gusset, reinforced frame (eg, Thunderbolt/Spitfire), as it is strong, relatively light and compact.
- 下一个选择是一个网上折,钢筋混凝土框架(如迅雷/喷火),作为它是强有力的,比较轻,结构紧凑。
- 5. Three days later, she was photographed by a Spitfire reconnaissance aircraft while resting in a Norwegian fjord (Altenfiord).
- 三天后,她在挪威海峡休息时被喷火式侦察机拍下照片。
- 6. The tabloid press is outraged, running images of Spitfire fighters over Dover's white cliffs, and calling a foreign owner "unthinkable".
- 小报界震怒,他们在报纸上刊登出多架喷火式飞机的形象,背景是多佛尔的白色岩石,并称外国所有者“不可思议”。
- 7. The walls of the club were covered with black-and-white photos of Polish pilots, and a huge propeller from a Spitfire was fixed to one wall.
- 俱乐部的墙上满是波兰飞行员的黑白相片,还有一个喷火式战斗机的巨大螺旋桨悬挂在一面墙上。
- 8. A year later, in 1944, his Spitfire had been shot down over Italy. After five months with partisans, he had made a dashing journey to safety.
- 一年后,即1944年,他的喷火战机(二战中的英国空军战斗机型号之一,译注)在意大利被击落,因此他进行了五个月的游击活动,最后成功脱险。
- 9. I really believe the Tomcat will be remembered in much the same way as other legendary aircraft, like the Corsair, the Mustang and the Spitfire.
- 我坚信雄猫将将像海盗、野马、喷火这些传奇战机一样被人们牢记。
- 10. Then they could talk about her till they went blue in the face, Bertha Supple too, and Edy, little spitfire, because she would be twentytwo in November.
- 那样,大家就会议论她,直到脸上发青。伯莎·萨波尔也不例外; 还有小炮竹伊迪,因为十一月她就满二十岁了。
- 11. It is no accient, he would claim, that Mitchell's Spitfire, with its Merlin engines and distinctive wings, could help win a war while also seeming wonderful to the eye and ear.
- 他指出,米切尔设计的喷火式战斗机正是凭借其采用的马林引擎和独特的机翼,在取得战斗胜利的同时还能给人带来视觉和听觉的享受。
- 12. Three aircraft from the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - a Lancaster, a Spitfire and a Hurricane - will be followed by two Typhoons and two Tornado GR4s in box formation.
- 三架曾参加过英国皇家空军不列颠空战纪念飞行的战机----一架兰开斯特式战机,一架喷火式战机和一架飓风战机将率先飞过,两架台风战机和两架旋风-GR4型战机将呈正方形列队飞过。
- 13. Three aircraft from the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - a Lancaster, a Spitfire and a Hurricane - will be followed by two Typhoons and two Tornado GR4s in box formation.
- 三架曾参加过英国皇家空军不列颠空战纪念飞行的战机----一架兰开斯特式战机,一架喷火式战机和一架飓风战机将率先飞过,两架台风战机和两架旋风-GR4型战机将呈正方形列队飞过。