- 1. He'd had a steamy affair with an office colleague.
- 他和办公室的一位同事曾经闹过桃色新闻。
- 2. Avoid hot tubs and steamy baths.
- 避免热水浸浴和蒸汽浴。
- 3. They are waiting for their lunch in some steamy haus.
- 他们在一间潮湿闷热的房间里等着吃午饭。
- 4. BOILER rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is pristine and cool.
- 锅炉房给人的印象多是潮湿脏乱,然而眼前这个则干净清爽。
- 5. Though the water was hot and the bathroom steamy, she suddenly felt chilled.
- 虽然水很热,整个浴室充满蒸气,她还是突然觉得有点冷。
- 6. Though the water was hot and the bathroom steamy, she suddenly felt chilled.
- 虽然水很热,整个浴室充满蒸气,她还是突然觉得有点冷.
- 7. Steamy rainforests and fragile coral reefs beckon, but so does his desk top.
- 不光是水气弥漫的热带雨林,脆弱的珊瑚礁,摄影机也在召唤着他。
- 8. Write "I love you" on the steamy mirror while your beloved is in the shower.
- 写“我爱你”就蒸汽一面镜子,当你心爱的是,在淋浴。
- 9. On one steamy afternoon they were taking refuge in a cellphone service center.
- 一个炎热的下午,他们跑到手机服务中心躲躲日头。
- 10. Guests from the Air Force packed the steamy gym hoping to see the Heat put on a show.
- 来自空军的客人们聚集在这个像蒸笼的体育馆,主要是想看到一场热火队上演的秀。
- 11. The acute pressure rise may also cause corneal edema, giving the cornea a steamy appearance.
- 眼压急性升高也可以引起角膜水肿,使角膜呈现出篜汽样外观。
- 12. Forty-seven million years ago it was a volcanic lake surrounded by a steamy sub-tropical forest.
- 4700万年以前,那里是一个火山湖,四周环绕着一片水雾蒙蒙的亚热带森林。
- 13. If I visit the galley, it's very hot and steamy, pans are everywhere, it is challenging in there.
- 假如我去厨房,那里酷热无比,热气腾腾,到处是锅盘碗杓。
- 14. Last month an Indian couple was sentenced to three months in jail for exchanging steamy text messages.
- 上月,一对印度情侣因互发暧昧短信被判处三个月监禁。
- 15. The steamy honeymoon scenes were filmed late last year when Bella and Edward consummate their marriage.
- 而蜜月新婚夜的戏份早已在去年年底拍摄完成。
- 16. The team has also had to deal with the hot and steamy weather of Shenzhen while practicing their routine.
- 该队伍还必须应付进行套路练习时深圳的湿热天气。
- 17. And anyone who runs in hot weather knows that drinking cold water during a steamy run makes you feel cooler.
- 并且所有人在热天跑步跑得热乎乎的时候喝下冷水都会觉得比较凉快。
- 18. Then personalize your desktop with a great picture of your guy or a shot from a particularly steamy vacation.
- 那么个性化你的桌面,用你男人的照片,或者度假时拍摄的照片。
- 19. A warm water current within it swirls clockwise, affecting the weather of the area, keeping it calm and steamy.
- 在它里面暖流漩涡成顺时针旋转,影响了该区域的天气,使藻海平静和水汽弥漫。
- 20. There's nothing worse than getting out of a steamy bath and then having to find clothes to wear while you're shivering.
- 没有什么比洗完热水澡出来之后冻得浑身发抖地找衣服更坏的事情了。
- 21. Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of trees is as refreshing as rolling into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.
- 在一个有树荫的院子里,或者在树林中会使人神清气爽,就像在一个湿热的夜晚,翻身睡到床上凉爽的一侧一样。
- 22. The drama includes some steamy love scenes between Pattinson and De Ravin, including one where they enjoy a clinch in the shower.
- 这部戏有很多帕丁森和德瑞文在一起的浓情蜜意的镜头,其中包括他们一起洗澡时甜蜜搂抱的场景。
- 23. See stores jam-packed with shoppers, and breathe in the enticing smells of steamy noodle shops that remain open late every night.
- 你会看到拎着商店购物袋的逛街的人,你也能闻到直到很晚都在营业的小吃店飘来炸酱面的味道。
- 24. When the person chooses to you on the neck, it is a subtle expression that the person wants to have some steamy action to take place.
- 若有人亲吻你的脖子,这是一种希望与你有更亲密举动的细微情感表达。
- 25. Regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
- 不论一开始关系多么不好,热情逝去,一定有更好的事代替它。
- 26. A steamy jungle covered it, but not with plants. This covering seemed to be made of peacock feathers, full of eyes and shimmering colors.
- 一片雾气笼罩着这一切,好像是孔雀的羽毛一般,满是眼睛的形状和华丽的颜色。
- 27. A steamy jungle covered it, but not with plants. This covering seemed to be made of peacock feathers, full of eyes and shimmering colors.
- 一片雾气笼罩着这一切,好像是孔雀的羽毛一般,满是眼睛的形状和华丽的颜色。