- 1. When customers do want to toss their pair, they can give them back to the store, which will repurpose and resell them.
- 当顾客真的想扔掉它们时,他们可以把它们还给商店,商店会重新利用并转售它们。
- 2. You can easily repurpose this function by adding a nonrequired argument.
- 可以通过增加一个非必需的参数,轻松地改变这个函数的用途。
- 3. And even if you have the equipment, it might be time to repurpose it...
- 或者即便你有装备,你也得考虑用它做别的事情…。
- 4. Repurpose an electrical spool into a coffee table that doubles as a bookshelf.
- 将绕线盘转化为一张咖啡桌,同时还可以拿来当个书架用。
- 5. Let me give you five examples of how to capture and repurpose daily activities for blog content.
- 让我给你举5个例子看看吧。
- 6. Repurpose existing assets as services to extend their utility and assemble them into new solutions.
- 将现有资产设计为服务,从而扩展其效用,并将其组装成新的解决方案。
- 7. We used PushToTest TestMaker to repurpose the tests as functional tests and load and performance tests.
- 我们使用了PushToTest的TestMaker来重新调整功能性测试和加载及性能测试。
- 8. Bloomberg considers that it makes sense not to repurpose enterprise architecture, but rather introduce a new discipline.
- Bloomberg认为,改变企业架构的目标是没有意义的,相反应该引入一些新原则。
- 9. Or you might want to clearly delineate sections of content so that you can easily repurpose them using a technology like DITA.
- 或者您可能希望清晰地描述部分内容,从而可以使用DITA之类的技术重新构建内容。
- 10. What a creative way to repurpose egg cartons and make something lovely for your bedroom or to drape in your kid's room for some twinkly fairy lights.
- 用利用过的蛋托给你的房间做个充满梦幻味道的灯罩,超有创意的有木有!
- 11. Or if the objective is to repurpose stable application functions for SOA, then application transformation to EGL sets the foundation for this activity.
- 或者如果目标是重新构建用于SOA的稳定的应用程序功能,那么到EGL的应用程序转换将为此行动建立基础。
- 12. Alternatively, you can use scripts to convert between formats to repurpose 3d content that's generated by (or for) many other programs (see Resources).
- 另外,可以使用脚本在不同格式之间进行转换,从而对由(或为)其他程序所生成的3d内容重新进行规划(请参阅参考资料)。
- 13. This is very important since it allows us to repurpose the components for any type of survey as long as it's compatible with our question object model.
- 这点非常重要,因为只要与问卷对象模型兼容,就可以在任何类型的调查问卷中复用这些组件。
- 14. This functionality makes understanding and maintaining the generator easier, and also makes it possible to repurpose the generator for other language targets.
- 这一功能使理解和维护生成器更加容易,而且可以将生成器重定位到其他目标语言。
- 15. When I first developed a schema to model the information used to create and repurpose these documents, I attempted to avoid an issue that I encountered on an earlier project.
- 首次开发一个模式来建模用于创建和重复利用这些文档的信息时,我努力避免在前一个项目中遇到的问题。
- 16. The authors have seen their clients repurpose personas across their organization, informing marketing campaigns, organizational structure, and other strategic planning activities.
- 本书作者已经看到使用这种方法的客户重新调整其组织内的人物角色,为销售活动、组织结构及其他策略规划活动提供信息。
- 17. RSS technology is important as a tool to help you repurpose, republish, and create content in other social media channels which is crucial to the success of a social media strategy.
- 聚合内容技术是一个重要的工具来帮助你重新再版,并为其他一些社会渠道创造一些内容,媒体渠道是至关重要的一个社会媒体策略。
- 18. This article describes how to use the Linux operating system to repurpose an older but functional computer system, giving it a new life as a server, a media player, or a thin client.
- 本文讨论如何使用Linux操作系统为较旧但功能正常的计算机系统赋予新的活力,让其充当服务器、媒体播放器或瘦客户机。
- 19. These attempts have not proved universally effective for all patients with these mutations but suggest the potential to repurpose existing medicines to treat rare genetic forms of epilepsy.
- 这些治疗尝试虽然没能在所有基因突变的病人身上效验,但是似乎表明了一种可以运用现有药物治疗罕见癫痫基因的潜在效果。
- 20. After getting Windows 7 up and running, you must either manually reinstall your software and repurpose your file library or trust Microsoft's Easy file Transfer to migrate your files for you.
- 在Windows7启动和运行后,必须手动重装软件,并重新定位文件库或托付微软的简单文件传送程序来迁移文件。
- 21. This exercise also serves to repurpose the context that exists for this work from being a conversation about tools and technologies, to being a session dedicated help you address your business needs.
- 这种练习同样有助于熟悉工具和技术的传统,帮助您处理业务需要。
- 22. This exercise also serves to repurpose the context that exists for this work from being a conversation about tools and technologies, to being a session dedicated help you address your business needs.
- 这种练习同样有助于熟悉工具和技术的传统,帮助您处理业务需要。