- 1. Over at SNCF the debates are different.
- 有关SNCF的争论是不同的。
- 2. But not everything at SNCF is steaming ahead.
- 但是法国铁路不是所有的业务都是领先的。
- 3. Produce six and the SNCF discount reaches 75 %.
- 对拥有六个子女的家庭,SNCF 给予的减价优惠可达到75%。
- 4. SNCF, the French railway, has similar ambitions in logistics.
- 法国的铁路公司SNCF在物流业也有相似的雄心。
- 5. Providing the details required by the law will be fairly easy for SNCF.
- 对于SNCF而言,提供法案所要求的细节相当容易。
- 6. Produce six offspring nowadays, and the SNCF discount reaches 75%.
- 对拥有六个子女的家庭,SNCF给予的减价优惠可达到75%。
- 7. This booking - only system enables SNCF to fill over 80 % of seats on average.
- 这个只是订票的系统使得SNCF平均上座率超过了80%。
- 8. Now Deutsche Bahn wants to replace SNCF as Europe's top passenger-rail firm, too.
- 现在,德国联邦铁路公司还想取代SNCF在欧洲头把客运公司的席位。
- 9. A TGV-style line would take passengers from London to Scotland in around three hours, according to SNCF.
- 据SNCF的信息,利用TGV系统,乘客从伦敦到苏格兰的乘车时间大约为3小时。
- 10. The SNCF boss also indicated that the taxpayer would have to shoulder the financial burden of a high-speed network in the UK.
- SNCF总裁同时表示纳税人可能要承担起英国高铁的财政负担。
- 11. The Germans could show SNCF how to run freight profitably and the French could give lessons in transporting people at high speeds.
- 德方将向SNCF展示如何有效地经营列车,而法方将给德方上一堂有关如何快速运载旅客的课程。
- 12. His new knowledge helped him transform the TGV service when he returned to SNCF in 1997, and he was rewarded with the chief executive's job in 2003.
- 在他于1997年回到法国铁路之后,他的新知识帮助他转变法国高铁,他也在2003年被赋予首席执行官的职位。
- 13. However, SNCF warned that strong lobbying by regional politicians could result in out-of-the-way routes being built ahead of more deserving destinations.
- 然而,SNCF警告说,地方政客的游说可能使偏远的线路的开建时间先于通往更有需要的目的地的线路。
- 14. The chief executive of the French rail giant, SNCF, said the proposed network could dominate travel from London to all British cities as far north as Glasgow.
- 法国铁路的巨无霸-SNCF的总裁表示,设想中的线路网络能够覆盖伦敦至所有不列颠城市,甚至包括最北边的格拉斯哥。
- 15. Mr Pepy at SNCF reckons that when rail networks are opened up in 2010, airlines such as Lufthansa and air France-KLM will start operating their own train services.
- SNCF的Pepy先生认为当2010年铁路网络开通的时候,航空公司比如,汉莎航空公司,法兰西航空-荷兰航空公司(KLM, Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij)也将开始经营自己的列车服务。
- 16. But now the TGV-Est wires France into the heart of its biggest neighbour, Germany, and gives birth to a joint venture between the French and German state-owned railways, SNCF and Deutsche Bahn (DB).
- 但是现在TGV - Est将法兰西织进了德国,其最大的邻邦的中心,并且促使了法国和德国的国有铁路集团,SNCF和德意志bahn (DB)之间诞生了一个合资企业。
- 17. But now the TGV-Est wires France into the heart of its biggest neighbour, Germany, and gives birth to a joint venture between the French and German state-owned railways, SNCF and Deutsche Bahn (DB).
- 但是现在TGV - Est将法兰西织进了德国,其最大的邻邦的中心,并且促使了法国和德国的国有铁路集团,SNCF和德意志bahn (DB)之间诞生了一个合资企业。