- 1. Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
- 商店的一些地方非常不卫生,是细菌滋生的理想之地。
- 2. Unhygienic food will cause illness.
- 吃不干净的食品会带来疾病。
- 3. Indeed, kissing itself was long considered unhygienic.
- 其实,日本人一直以来都认为,亲吻是不卫生的。
- 4. It's unhygienic and unhealthy, particularly if you spit close to other people.
- 这种行为既不卫生,也不健康,尤其是近距离向其他人喷口水的时候。
- 5. The exhilarating transport and the unhygienic of food will get to your nerves.
- 繁忙的交通及不卫生的食物使人烦乱。
- 6. Being barefoot is considered unhygienic, and in public it is an extreme taboo.
- 人们认为光脚是不卫生的,在公共场所光脚更是禁忌。
- 7. Food is another major cause of diarrhoea when it is prepared or stored in unhygienic conditions.
- 不卫生环境下制备或存放的食物是造成腹泻的另一重大因素。
- 8. They got the disease because they were unhygienic in handling domesticated birds that are infected.
- 他们得到的疾病,因为他们不卫生,在处理家养禽鸟感染。
- 9. The most unhygienic phone had more than ten times the acceptable level of TVC and seven were above the threshold.
- 最脏的手机所携带的细菌量是可接受值的十倍多,另外有七只手机的细菌量超标。
- 10. We must call on the masses to arise in struggle against their own illiteracy, superstitions and unhygienic habits.
- 我们必须告诉群众,自己起来同自己的文盲、迷信和不卫生的习惯作斗争。
- 11. They were highly unhygienic places, people lived in 36 appalling conditions, but there was a social life here, and these were people's homes.
- 这些地方过去非常不卫生,人们的生活条件很恶劣,但这里也有社会生活,这里也是人们的家园。
- 12. The threat of epidemic disease lurks in unhygienic, crowded camps and back in villages where putrefying animals lie under the mud and in pools of stagnant water.
- 难民安置营地肮脏拥挤,原来村庄里泥浆和停滞的臭水中的动物尸体开始腐烂,传染病随时可能发生。
- 13. Mr Chittranshi says buyers should consider not just pirates' impact on the creative value chain, but also the health risks of holding "unhygienic books printed with ink that may be toxic".
- 基特·兰什表示,买家不仅应考虑盗版行为对创造价值链的影响,还应考虑拥有“可能用有毒油墨印制的不卫生书籍”带来的健康风险。
- 14. The report estimated that 19.7 million of the 41.6 million abortions in 2003 were unsafe - either self-induced, performed by unskilled practitioners or carried out in unhygienic surroundings.
- 该报告估计,19.7在2003年的4160万美元不安全堕胎万人-无论是自我催眠,由执业不熟练或不卫生的环境中进行了。
- 15. The report estimated that 19.7 million of the 41.6 million abortions in 2003 were unsafe - either self-induced, performed by unskilled practitioners or carried out in unhygienic surroundings.
- 该报告估计,19.7在2003年的4160万美元不安全堕胎万人-无论是自我催眠,由执业不熟练或不卫生的环境中进行了。