- 1. Bruce is a spaz, but he's one of the best doctors I know.
- 布鲁斯医生是个怪人,不过他是我认识的医生中最好的一位。
- 2. Dr. Bruce is a spaz , but he is one of the best doctors I know.
- 布鲁斯医生是个怪人,不过他是我认识的医生中最好的一个。
- 3. Hey! Watch where you're going, spaz. You lose noodle all over my gucci.
- 喂,看着点路,笨蛋。你把面洒到我的古驰洋装上了。
- 4. He also details some of the recent challenges of upgrading Spaz to the latest beta release of air.
- 他还详细说明了最近将Spaz升级到最新的AIR测试版的时候遇到的一些挑战。
- 5. The Spaz application seems to be an ideal use of AIR, and Finkler's overall experience with AIR sounds positive.
- Spaz看上去是对AIR的完美运用,而Finkler使用AIR的经验也是正面的。
- 6. Don't spaz out ---- we're here to explain the options, outline the prices, and help you deal with tech-happy salespeople.
- 有我们呢,我们来给你解释可能的选择,报一报大概的价格,帮你对付那些以 谈论技术为乐的生意人。
- 7. In comparing Spaz to other Twitter clients, he touches on the common AIR pain point of not being able to natively interact with the OS.
- 在将Spaz与其他Twitter客户端相比较的时候,他指出了AIR的一个痛处,就是不能原生地与操作系统交互。
- 8. Recently, I've just been getting Spaz up to speed on AIR Beta 2. Version 0.2.6, which was really a compatibility release, was rougher than I usually like.
- 最近,我刚把Spaz升级到了AIRBeta2。版本0.2.6虽然只是一个修补兼容性的升级版本,却比我预计的要困难。
- 9. In the interview, Finkler discusses Spaz, how and why he selected the AIR platform, and some of the challenges of upgrading Spaz to the latest AIR beta 2 release.
- 在采访中,Finkler讨论了Spaz,他选择air平台的原因,以及将Spaz升级到最新的AIRBeta2时遇到的一些挑战。
- 10. In the interview, Finkler discusses Spaz, how and why he selected the AIR platform, and some of the challenges of upgrading Spaz to the latest AIR beta 2 release.
- 在采访中,Finkler讨论了Spaz,他选择air平台的原因,以及将Spaz升级到最新的AIRBeta2时遇到的一些挑战。