
tube of electric flux

tube of electric flux

  • 翻译:电通量管


1)tube of electric flux,电通量管2)high flux tube,高通量管3)flux tube,通量管4)magnetic flux tube,磁通量管5)Power ON/OFF control,通电管制6)charge loading,通电量


Material of explosion cladding plates tubesheet for the first~fifth effect re-boiler were 16Mn(Ⅲ forging)+90Cu10Ni,material of tubes were 90Cu10Ni(high flux tube,UOP offer),SMAW was applied to tube-tubesheet fillets,the joints were required to 100% radiograph.

一效~五效换热器管板为爆炸复合板16MnⅢ+90Cu10Ni,管子为90Cu10Ni高通量管,管子管板焊接采用SMAW,结构为传统的端面焊接,管头伸出3 mm,管子管板接头要求100%RT探伤。

his paper avoids the vector analysis Adopting the concept of flux tube and using the method of field unit,we derive a general formula for the energy density of the magnetic field.


The characteristic velocities and the compatibility relations along characteristics are derived from the system of equations for the motion of thin magnetic flux tubes.


The influence of current density, charge loading, pH and NaCl additive on removal of COD and color substances from paper-making wastewater by electroflocculation was studied when iron plate was used as anode.


The influence of current density,charge loading,pH and NaCl additive on removal of COD Cr and color substances from paper_making wastewater by electroflocculation was studied when Al plate was used as anode.

研究了铝板阳极电絮凝法处理纸业废水过程中 ,电流密度、通电量、废水的 pH值及添加电解质NaCl对废水CODCr和色度去除效果的影响 。
