
rotational excited level

rotational excited level

  • 翻译:转动激发能级


1)rotational excited level,转动激发能级2)highly excited vibrational energy levels,高激发振动能级3)excitation energy level,激发能级4)rotational excitation,转动激发5)rotational-excitation,转动激发6)rotational level,转动能级


The low excitation energy levels, resonance strength and its contribution to the resonance crosses section are also discussed.

讨论了目前16O(α ,γ) 2 0 Ne反应的实验研究工作 ,并对2 0 Na β+—→2 0 N →16O +α的β+ 缓发衰变α能谱的相对强度值同文献进行了比较 ,讨论了低能激发能级、共振强度及其对共振截面的贡献、S因子的理论研究 。

Result shows that in addition to nine high excitation energy levels with E d≥2.

688MeV的 9条较高激发能级的衰变α粒子外 ,实验中还观察到衰变能量Ed 为 0 。

Elastic and rotational excitation scattering cross sections and differential scattering cross sections of He-H_2 collision has been calculated by close-coupling approximation method using two forms of Tang-Toennies potential model and discussed in detail at relative kinetic energy of 0.

使用Tang-Toenn ies势模型的两种形式通过密耦近似方法计算了惰性气体He与H2碰撞的弹性和转动激发散射截面及微分散射截面,原子入射能量分别为0。

A semiclassical approach is applied to calculating the state-to-state cross sections of rotational excitation of ammonia molecule scattering with argon atom.


State state rotational excitation cross sections have been calculated for collision between helium atom and nitrogen molecule at collision energy of 70.

计算了氦原子和氮分子的态 -态转动激发截面 (E =70 。

State-state rotational-excitation cross sections,total different scattering cross sections and total partial wave scattering cross sections are calculated for He-HF system by employing the accepted exact close-coupling approximation method at collision energy of 100,150,200 and 250 meV cases,respectively.


State-state rotational-excitation cross sections,the total differential scattering cross sections and the total partial wave scattering cross sections are calculated for He-HBr system by employing the accepted exact close-coupling approximation method at collision energy of 100,150 and 200 meV cases,respectively.

作者运用密耦近似方法,计算了能量在100meV下He原子和基态HBr分子碰撞的态-态转动激发截面和碰撞能量分别在100meV,150 meV,200 meV下的总微分截面和总分波截面;总结了该碰撞体系散射截面的变化规律。

The analytical equation of rotational level of molecule H\-2O\+ x(x =16,17,18) is devived at bending vibration state from the Schrdinger equation,and at the same time the isotopic shift of rotational level of its ground state and excitation state are studied.

从Schr dinger方程出发 ,导出H2 Ox(x=16,17,18)分子在弯曲振动态 (0v2 0 )下转动能级的解析表达式 ,并对其基态 (0 0 0 )和激发态 (0v2 0 )转动能级的同位素位移进行研

The Dunham Calculation of Highly-excited Vibrational Energy Levels for Triatomic Molecules;


Such photons will excite the higher vibrational levels of the OH molecule.


Potential Energy Function and Vibrational Energy Levels for the Ground State X~3∑_g~- and the Excited State b~1∑_g~+ of O_2 Molecule;


The assessment result shows that the blade has a high circle fatigue failure caused by first order bending vibration resonance excitated by rotating stall.


To raise(an atom, for example)to a higher energy level.


Theoretical Research on the Energy Level Structure and Oscillator Strength of Lithium-like V~(20+) Ion;


The microseism source excitation model and the relation between the magnitude and vibration cycle


Study of vibro-acoustography with high spatial resolution based on sector array transducers


In this paper coherent excitation of two-photon resonance in three-level systems is discussed.


Theoretical Research on the Energy Sturcure and Oscillator Strength of Excited States for Mn~(22+);


Theoretical Research on the Energy Structure and Oscillator Strength of Excited States for Cr~(21+) Ion;


Theoretical Research on the Energy Structure and Oscillator Strength of Excited States for Fe~(23+) Ion;


Theoretical Research on the Energy Structure and Oscillator Strength of Excited States for Co~(24+) Ion


Theoretical Research on the Energy Structure and Oscillator Strength of Excited States for Ni~(25+) Ion


Theoretical Research on the Energy Structure and Oscillator Strength of Excited States for Cu~(26+) Ion


Convergence Study of Cross Sections for Vibrational Excitations in Low-energy-electron and N_2 Molecule Scattering;


A Study on High Vibrational Energy Spectra and Molecular Dissociation Energies for A~1∑_u~+ Electronic States of K_2Molecule;


On the High-lying Vibrational Energy Spectra and Molecular Dissociation Energies for the 3~1 Π Electronic States of NaK Molecule

NaK分子3~1 Π电子态的高能级振动能谱和离解能的理论研究
