- 1. Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position.
- 对于他这种地位的人来说,这样的行为是不庄重的。
- 2. There was an undignified scramble for the best seats.
- 大家争抢最好的位子,真是有失体统。
- 3. She had to run about after him, though it was rather undignified.
- 她不得不跟在他后面跑,虽然这样有失尊严。
- 4. In spite of Mrs. Medlock's warning, Mr. Roach only just escaped being sufficiently undignified to jump backward.
- 尽管梅德洛克太太警告了他,罗奇先生还是有些失礼地向后跳了。
- 5. Back at the park, Bianchi's intervention on her son's behalf ended in an undignified exchange of insulting words with the other boy's mother.
- 回到公园后,比安奇(Bianchi)代表儿子出面干预,结果却与另一个男孩的母亲互相辱骂,场面很不体面。
- 6. There followed an undignified slamming of doors.
- 随后传来了很不像话的摔门声。
- 7. Some of us find this distasteful - an undignified kind of life.
- 我们中的一些人对此很厌恶——认为这种生活方式很不光彩。
- 8. His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner.
- 他的滑雪板交叉在一起坐下时,姿势很不雅观。
- 9. He saw the home run as an abasement of the game he loved, a cheap, undignified method of scoring runs.
- 他认为本垒打是他所喜爱的棒球赛中最不入流的,一个廉价不体面的得分跑垒方法。
- 10. As undignified as my profession is it still amazes me that God compares himself to a shepherd and his people to sheep.
- 到现在我仍然认为主把自己比作牧者、把他的民比作羊是很令人惊奇的,说起这一点就像说起我的工作一样,不甚光彩。
- 11. You can still remember vividly those painful, undignified occasions when you tried to be a hero and drowned instead in a sea of ridicule.
- 你依然深深地记得这种痛楚的场合,当你试图表现的像个英雄却得到了潮水般的奚落。
- 12. The undignified outburst came at Naudero in Sindh province, the burial site of his wife and her similarly "martyred" father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
- 这句有损尊严的话是在信德省的瑙德罗,他妻子和“殉难”的岳父阿里。布托的墓地上放出来的。
- 13. The guideline aims to prevent what is being called the undignified and unnecessary resuscitation of patients who would not benefit from the procedure.
- 这条法规旨在当救治无效时,让病人不必再经历无谓的,只会增加病人痛苦的救治程序。
- 14. So the ship was forced to make an undignified squeeze through the lock as she left the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenberg, Germany, on her maiden voyage today.
- 这不,今天她为了走出位于德国帕彭贝格迈耶尔造船厂,踏上首航的征途,不得不忍辱屈尊从狭窄的船闸穿行而过。
- 15. Now, in an undignified way I have given up the spirit journey in my heart for the sake of material gains, a journey to explore America and to understand her.
- 现在,我是猥琐地为了物质利益而放弃了我心目中的精神之旅,一次探索美国,了解美国的旅行。
- 16. Politicians appear on "the Colbert Report" for the same reason that ordinary people agree to appear on reality shows: it may be undignified, but it gets you on television.
- 政客们在“科尔伯特报告”中出镜的原因与普通人愿意参加真人秀一样:虽然可能有失尊严,但这可以让你上电视。
- 17. She was making money. But she could not get over the idea that to earn her living was somewhat undignified, and she was incined to remind you that she was a lady by birth.
- 她是在挣钱,但是她始终认为自己养活自己总有那么些有失尊严,总想让你知道她生来就是贵妇。
- 18. A man with his zipper down is undignified, and so the famous icon, posed as he is, presents an idealized version of the American worker — his dignity customized, but forever intact.
- 一个前裆拉链开着的人被视为有损尊严的,同样著名的照片也是如此,他所摆的姿势,代表了理想的美国工人形象——他刻意表现出的尊严,是永远不变的。
- 19. The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".
- 无国界医生组织表示“非常关注整个受难并陷入窘况的欧洲大陆上成千上万的弱势群体。”
- 20. The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".
- 无国界医生组织表示“非常关注整个受难并陷入窘况的欧洲大陆上成千上万的弱势群体。”