- 1. People are very laid-back about spotting celebrities here - nobody wants to look uncool by pointing and shouting.
- 在这里见到明星人们都表现得很放松-没有人指指点点或大声喊叫,这样看起来不酷。
- 2. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car.
- 完全不冷静的父母明显不爱自己的儿子,将他的车出让。
- 3. Totally, and she's such a follower. She's very beautiful true. But so uncool.
- 完全同意,她确实很漂亮,可是一点也不酷。
- 4. This may come as a relief for Canadians, who are sometimes viewed as chronically uncool.
- 这也许对于加拿大人来说是个宽慰,因为在某些人看来,加拿大人一直都不酷。
- 5. The western world has always been pided into two types of people-the cool and the uncool.
- 西方世界一直是分为两种类型的人-酷和酷不起来了。
- 6. Even if you're as good-looking as Song Hye-kyo, see-through bangs might leave you looking decidedly uncool.
- 即使你有乔妹一样漂亮的脸蛋,空气刘海也可能会让你看起来非常糟糕。
- 7. Lester Bangs: The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we're uncool.
- 过来人:在这个破产的世界上唯一的货币,就是当我们找到另一个和我们一样的挫人。
- 8. Uncool IR imaging technology, because of its low cost and high credibility, has attracted more and more attention.
- 非制冷红外成像技术由于其成本低可考性好而倍受关注。
- 9. When a few people within a social circle decide that smoking is uncool, suddenly the remaining smokers are outcasts.
- 当一个社会圈中的几个人决定抽烟不好而戒烟时,剩余的吸烟者一下子就会感到孤单难存。
- 10. But where I'm from, this is how everyone wears their jeans - if you wear them pulled up high, people think you're really uncool.
- 但在我住的地方,每个人都是这么穿的——如果你把裤腰提高了,人家会觉得你衰。
- 11. And what happened is that, by trying to be cool but not being cool, we wound up creating a new version of cool that's really uncool.
- 反而因为我们想要变的很与众不同,但事实没有,我们创造了新版本的酷——那就是真的不酷!
- 12. It's kind of like the way fashion works, where the uncool guy has last year's fall collection and you have this year's fall collection.
- 这跟时装的运作方式差不多,落伍者拥有的是去年秋季流行的款式,而你拥有的是今年秋季流行的款式。
- 13. Roberts' character inspires him to get over that, as well as improve his style, which could only be described as... "uncool?" says the actor.
- 罗伯茨的性格让他得到灵感,提高他的风格,这只会被描述为…借用演员的话“不冷静”。
- 14. In general, it's never healthy to underestimate anybody, ever, just because they seem uncool. That sort of attitude can quite easily backfire on you.
- 所以,如果只是因为某人看起来老土就低估他是不可取的,这样的态度会阻碍我们。
- 15. In the meantime, says Ms Smith, driving distracted must become, like drunk driving, "totally uncool, socially unacceptable", especially among teenagers.
- 詹妮弗·史密斯说,与此同时,分心驾驶应该要像醉驾一样被视作“最逊、最无法为社会所接受”的行为,尤其对青少年更是如此。
- 16. If you think commercializing your blog is evil, immoral, unethical, uncool, lame, greedy, obnoxious, or anything along those lines, then don't commercialize it.
- 假如你认为将你的博客商业化是一种邪恶的、不道德的、很逊的、不得体的、贪婪的或者是可憎的的行为的话,那你就不要将它商业化。
- 17. I loved rock-and-roll music and dancing and went frequently, starting in eighth or ninth grade, even though I was fat, uncool, and hardly popular with the girls.
- 我喜欢摇滚乐和跳舞,因此从八九年级起就常去那里,不过我比较胖,不够酷,得不到女孩子的青睐。
- 18. The fear is that the idea of sticking with another through thick and thin – the very essence of friendship and love – will come to seem absurd, uncool, meaningless.
- 那些不畏艰险追随某人的想法——友谊和爱的真谛——将会被认为是荒唐、不酷和无意义的,这才是需要担心的。
- 19. If the kids find their grandparents' language uncool, all of the well-intentioned outside help by linguists is usually in vain, except for preserving the language as a museum-piece.
- 如果孩子们发现他们的祖辈们的语言不够酷,那么语言学家们除了将该语言作为古董保存起来外,其他所有善意的外界帮助通常是徒劳的。
- 20. On the basis of Uncool infrared Focal Plane Array (UFPA) detector, the optics, structure and the circuit of the infrared imaging system for cloud meteorological observation are designed.
- 基于非制冷红外焦平面列阵(ufpa)探测器件进行了气象测云红外成像系统的光学设计、结构设计与电路设计,对系统光学设计结果进行详细分析。
- 21. A third theory is that big tech is simply uncool — that not only is profit growth for these companies slowing, not only are their traditional markets are drying up, but their brands repel investors.
- 第三种理论是大型科技股缺乏吸引力——它们不仅利润增速放缓,传统市场萎缩,而且它们的品牌也已令投资者厌烦。
- 22. A third theory is that big tech is simply uncool — that not only is profit growth for these companies slowing, not only are their traditional markets are drying up, but their brands repel investors.
- 第三种理论是大型科技股缺乏吸引力——它们不仅利润增速放缓,传统市场萎缩,而且它们的品牌也已令投资者厌烦。