- 1. Howard is a talented pianist.
- 霍华德是一名有天赋的钢琴家。
- 2. Rose's father was a talented violinist.
- 罗斯的父亲是一位天才的小提琴手。
- 3. She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.
- 她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。
- 4. A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note.
- 他是一位有才华的艺术家,同时也是颇有名气的作家。
- 5. He's a talented screenwriter who has sold out to TV soap operas.
- 他是个有才华的电影编剧,却改行写起电视肥皂剧来了。
- 6. He's a talented athlete who competes nationally and internationally.
- 他是一位有才华的运动员,既参加国内比赛,也参加国际比赛。
- 7. Though a talented player, he was completely eclipsed by his brother.
- 他虽是一个天才的运动员,但与他的兄弟相比就黯然失色了。
- 8. He may be a very talented designer, but as a manager he's a dead loss.
- 他可能是一个很有天赋的设计师,但作为经理他却很无能。
- 9. She was a talented teacher who endeared herself to all who worked with her.
- 她是一位深受同事喜爱的有才华的教师。
- 10. He's an exceptionally talented dancer and needs to practise several hours every day.
- 他是位非凡有天赋的的舞蹈家,每天需要练几小时。
- 11. They are inviting talented but unheralded movie-makers to submit examples of their work.
- 他们正邀请一些有才华但未得到肯定的导演提交他们的样片。
- 12. For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on.
- 在任何一个艺术家圈子里,每一两位有才华的人身边儿总会有一帮无能的阿谀奉承者。
- 13. I believed I wasn't talented.
- 我相信我没有天赋。
- 14. People are caring and talented.
- 人们有爱心,也有才华。
- 15. He was a talented musician.
- 他是个有天赋的音乐家。
- 16. Wu is now known as a highly talented skater.
- 吴现在被认为是一名极具天赋的滑冰运动员。
- 17. Her husband Joe was a talented young painter.
- 她的丈夫乔是一位有才华的年轻画家。
- 18. He was not only talented but also hard-working.
- 他不仅有才华而且工作努力。
- 19. Every week, there were talented new dancers, new DJs and new MCs.
- 每周都有才华横溢的新舞者、新DJ和新MC 出现。
- 20. There were many talented actors out there just waiting to be discovered.
- 外面还有很多有才能的演员正等待被发掘。
- 21. She is very talented and should go far.
- 她天赋很高,会很有出息。
- 22. He had been a talented musician in his youth.
- 他年轻时很有音乐天才。
- 23. People wanted to know who this talented designer was.
- 人们想知道这位天才的设计者是谁。
- 24. Very talented children may feel alienated from the others in their class.
- 天才出众的孩子可能觉得与班上的同学格格不入。
- 25. Han Hong is a talented singer.
- 韩红是一个有才华的歌手。
- 26. Talented companies can give medical advice.
- 人才济济的公司可以提供医疗建议。
- 27. I know I am not talented.
- 我知道我没有天赋。
- 28. What a talented boy he is!
- 他是一个多么有天赋的孩子啊!
- 29. They provide an education system for talented students.
- 他们为有才能的学生提供教育系统。
- 30. Her parents found that she is talented in making cakes.
- 她父母发现她有做蛋糕的天赋。