- 1. Goldstone wished Tom Hill were there to add heft to his argument.
- 戈德斯通曾希望汤姆·希尔能在那里给他的辩论增加分量。
- 2. The 155-page American edition of the book packs the intellectual heft of a much longer text.
- 此书的美国版本只有155页,但具有加长版的知智分量。
- 3. The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles.
- 混凝土墙的厚重感被一丛丛茂盛的德克萨斯接骨木、珊瑚莓和蜡杨梅消减了不少。
- 4. Influence will increase along with economic heft.
- 他们的影响力也会伴随经济实力而提升。
- 5. "Lush Life" is a rare book-a fast-paced whodunnit with literary heft.
- 《华丽的生活》是一本难得一见的书——一本具有文学价值的悬疑小说。
- 6. Over that period the heft of emerging economies has increased dramatically.
- 在这一时期,新兴市场国家的重要性急剧增强。
- 7. Japan's desire for international heft also has something to do with it.
- 日本渴望在国际上举足轻重和这个也不无联系。
- 8. JBIC encourages Japanese firms to form consortiums to increase their heft.
- JBIC鼓励日本公司组成联盟以增加分量。
- 9. JBIC encourages Japanese firms to form consortiums to increase their heft.
- 日本国际协力银行鼓励日本企业组成财团以增加其分量。
- 10. The firm may enjoy a certain “bully advantage”, given its heft, he admits.
- 他承认,鉴于PIMCO的分量,他们也许拥有某种“强劲优势”。
- 11. He reckons digital technology is more likely to increase the heft of blockbusters.
- 他认为数字技术更有可能提升那些大片的影响力。
- 12. Even so, regulators still fret that Banks might use their combined heft to overcharge.
- 即便如此,管理者仍旧对银行可能利用联合的力量来讨价还价而感到烦恼。
- 13. But the list will almost certainly be topped by the dramatic shift in global economic heft.
- 然而这个“候选榜单”的头把交椅几乎肯定会被全球经济中心的戏剧性转移所霸占。
- 14. Although a little extra heft is no big deal, many Americans are so ample that it ruins their health.
- 尽管体重小小的增加并不是什么大问题,但是许多美国人对这个增加量很放得开,以至于最终危害到了他们的健康。
- 15. The heft of the larger European countries, it reasoned, would restrain the growing clout of the United States.
- 它的动机是,几个主要欧洲国家的分量将削弱美国日益增长的影响。
- 16. The new media provides the speed, the social media provides the emotion, the mainstream media provides the heft.
- 新媒体提供速度,社会媒体带来情感,主流媒体提供分量。
- 17. But some nimble Chinese companies without the heft of the multinational giants are poised to ride the Olympic boom, too.
- 不过一些不及这些跨国公司财大气粗但却灵活敏捷的中国公司也在积极挖掘奥运商机。
- 18. And Mr Trichet's opposition to any default is inconsistent with the ECB's desire to strengthen the currency block's fiscal heft.
- 特里谢反对任何违约符合欧洲央行加强欧元区金融分量的构想。
- 19. Going public allowed investment Banks to get bigger, which then gave them the heft to mold the regulatory system to their liking.
- 上市让投行们变得更加规模庞大,这让他们有足够的分量来按自己的喜好塑造监管系统。
- 20. "The Quest" starts where "The Prize" left off, and at 804 pages it is similar in heft, but in fact a very different kind of book.
- 《追求》是《石油风云》的续写,篇幅也差不多,804页,但写作风格完全不同。
- 21. Scientists think that this speed coupled with the planet's heft yields strong gravitational tugs that can alter the planets orbit.
- 科学家们认为这个速度加上行星的重量屈服于强大的重力牵引力,可以改变行星的运行轨道。
- 22. Because of the material's heft, an oversized jacket will make you look like a 10 year-old acting tough by wearing his father's clothes.
- 因为皮革的重量,尺码过大的皮夹克会让你看起来像个穿着父亲的衣服装硬汉的10岁孩童。
- 23. Apple says this makes sense because sealing in the batteries lets the company make them larger, without adding heft to the laptops.
- 苹果公司表示,这么做是有道理的,因为使用内置电池的话,公司就可以将电池做的更大,又不用加大笔记本电脑的厚度。
- 24. What does it mean to put on the uniform, navigate the streets, heft the weight, and learn the city from a unique and intimate perspective?
- 穿上制服、清扫各个街道、举起沉重的垃圾、从一个仅有的亲密角度认识这个城市,其意味着什么?
- 25. A gaping growth gap between the emerging and rich worlds will, of course, shift economic heft more quickly towards emerging economies.
- 当然,新兴国家和富裕国家令人吃惊的增长差距将更加迅速地把经济中心转向新兴经济体。
- 26. And, whereas a gearbox is needed to use the torque from a combustion engine efficiently, it is unnecessary with the heft of an electric motor.
- 此外需要一个变速箱使燃动引擎更有效率,而这对于电动引擎就是不必要的累赘。
- 27. And, whereas a gearbox is needed to use the torque from a combustion engine efficiently, it is unnecessary with the heft of an electric motor.
- 此外需要一个变速箱使燃动引擎更有效率,而这对于电动引擎就是不必要的累赘。