- 1. There is the first rail bus in Samara oblast.
- 萨马拉地区开始运行第一个轨道巴士。
- 2. The samara is a monocopter, meaning it has a single wing.
- 翅果是一个单翼飞行器,意味着它只有单独的一个翅膀。
- 3. Our offices are located in Moscow, Voronezh and Samara.
- 我们在莫斯科、沃罗涅日和萨玛拉设有办事处。
- 4. The wing of the vehicle is similar in size to a natural samara wing.
- 机器的翅膀从形状上与天然翅果的翅膀相似。
- 5. While in Samara, Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels.
- 在萨马拉时,列宁继续学习马恩著作。
- 6. Samara bay is the most beautiful construction in Russia. Below are pictures taken in 1959-1963.
- 萨马拉湾是俄罗斯最美丽的建设工程,下面这些照片拍摄于1959年至1963年之间。
- 7. A natural samara is positioned next to the smallest and lightest robotic samara constructed to date.
- 一个天然的翅果紧挨着在最新造出的最小最轻的机器翅果后。
- 8. The rich man lent the servant his horse, and he duly set off for Samara at a great rate of knots.
- 富人把他的马借给了仆人,于是仆人就以极快的速度按时出发了。
- 9. And joining us, we've got two new friends, Samara Banks and Ben Schneller, to help us light this tree.
- 我们也请来两位新朋友——莎玛拉·班克斯和本·施内尔勒——帮助我们一起来点亮这棵树。
- 10. The bay length is 5 km. Samara is the only city on the Volga bank where bays belong to recreational zones.
- 萨马拉湾绵延5公里,是伏尔加河岸唯一属于疗养区的港湾。
- 11. The regional archive of Samara accepted the new document of Vatican which led to define the date of foundation of…
- 萨马拉州档案馆增添了来自从梵蒂冈本身的新文件,该文件将有助于确定伏尔加河城市的建立日期。
- 12. Samara a nut or achene whose pericarp is extended to form a wing for wind dispersal, e. g. Ash (fraxinus excelsior).
- 翅果:指坚果或瘦果中果皮延伸成翼状,以利于风媒传播的果实类型。如白蜡树的果实(欧洲白蜡树)。
- 13. Samara a nut or achene whose pericarp is extended to form a wing for wind dispersal, e. g. ash ( fraxinus excelsior )
- 翅果:指坚果或瘦果中果皮延伸成翼状,以利于风媒传播的果实类型。如白蜡树的果实(欧洲白蜡树) 。
- 14. The life is samara, the soul meet metempsychosis, samara rebirth. Good is rewarded with good evil will be requited with evil.
- 佛教理念:人有前生来世,人死后灵魂会投胎,轮回重生。善有善报,恶有恶报。此生所造业,下一生受报。
- 15. In a new study, researchers have designed and built a mechanical samara whose dynamics are very similar to those of nature's samaras.
- 在新的研究中,研究者们设计并建造了一种机械翅果,它的动力与真正的翅果很像。
- 16. For this reason, the samara has no stationary frame of reference, unlike a two-winged helicopter, and appears to fall in a complex way.
- 因此,翅果没有稳定的参考结构,不像双翼直升机,并且它在降落中呈现出复杂的方式。
- 17. After testing the mechanical samara, the researchers then built a variety of remote-controlled robotic samaras with onboard power sources.
- 在测试过机械翼果之后,研究者们又造出了自带动力源,远程控制的机器翅果。
- 18. However, the after-war years were marked by hydrogeological investigations which proved appropriateness of plant construction next to Samara.
- 尽管如此,战后数年的水文勘察工作最终证明,的确有在萨马拉附近建设一座电厂的必要性。
- 19. In addition to developing the robotic samara into a toy, he said that the device could also have applications in satellite communications and 3d mapping.
- 除了能把机器翅果融合进入玩具,他说这个技术在三维测绘和卫星通讯中也可以应用。
- 20. Since then, several other single-winged rotating aircraft have been developed, but none of these designs has used autorotation or been based on the samara.
- 自那以后,数种单翼旋转飞行器被发明,但没有一个设计使用了自旋或是基于翅果。
- 21. One of the aerodromes where they practice parachuting (for 60 dollars) is located in the Samara region. Instructional advice and operational control are held right here.
- 这是他们所有用来练习跳伞的机场中的其中一个,位于萨玛拉州。指导性的建议和操作性的控制的培训都在这里进行。
- 22. As the samara theory, one of the basic thoughts of Buddhism, its content contains the world of living and died, and its range influenced has included all stratum of the society.
- 作为佛教基本思想之一的轮回理论,其内容涵盖了生与死的世界,其影响的范围囊括了社会各个阶层。
- 23. The robotic samara spins about 15 times per second and can navigate through small areas and avoid obstacles, giving it advantages over larger vehicles such as helicopters and airplanes.
- 机器翅果旋转大概每秒15次,并可以导航通过小的地方并且避障,比大的机器如直升机或者飞机更加突出其优点。
- 24. He was finally picked up by police after being spotted loitering at a university in the Volga river city of Samara, over 8,000 km from his native Primorye region, on Russia's Pacific coast.
- 当他后来在位于伏尔加河河畔的萨马拉市的一所大学内停留时终于被警方觅得了行踪,并马上将其逮捕。 这名男子原本住在俄罗斯太平洋沿岸的Primorye地区,而萨马拉市与该地的距离则已经超过了8000公里。
- 25. He was finally picked up by police after being spotted loitering at a university in the Volga river city of Samara, over 8,000 km from his native Primorye region, on Russia's Pacific coast.
- 当他后来在位于伏尔加河河畔的萨马拉市的一所大学内停留时终于被警方觅得了行踪,并马上将其逮捕。 这名男子原本住在俄罗斯太平洋沿岸的Primorye地区,而萨马拉市与该地的距离则已经超过了8000公里。