- 1. She may feel unready for the responsibilities of parenthood.
- 她可能觉得还没有准备好担当人母的责任。
- 2. Is the Arab world unready for freedom?
- 阿拉伯世界没有为自由做好准备吗?
- 3. Lilac Wine, I feel unready for my love.
- 丁香酒,我仍未准备好迎接爱情。
- 4. You may feel unready or unworthy in your current circumstances.
- 你可能是觉得还没有准备好接受目前的境况或是你觉得对目前的一切心有不甘。
- 5. But I'm afraid my little kids are unready for that kind of responsibility yet.
- 但生怕我的小孩还没有打算好承当起那种义务。
- 6. Naturally, the alliance should not admit members who are unready, or for whom it is not in the end willing to fight.
- 自然,北约不会接纳还未做好准备的国家,或者最终不愿为之而战的国家。
- 7. At the time, the company lacked a trademarked name and its products and branding were unready for a national audience.
- 当时,公司缺乏一个商标名称,以及其产品和品牌,为全国观众还未。
- 8. No man desires anything so eagerly as God desires to bring men to the knowledge of Himself. God is always ready, but we are very unready.
- 没有人像上帝那样如此渴望要把他的知识带给我们。
- 9. There will be some who will be at a point where they have no particular beliefs, and feel unready to make decisions that would change the course of their lives.
- 对于一些人将可能处于的状态就是他们没有什么特别的信念,感到自己还没准备好做出决定来转变自己的生活。
- 10. Like most freshmen, I arrived full of wide-eyed wonder and awkward self-consciousness, uncertain and somewhat unready for what the next four years would bring me.
- 像很多大一新生一样,我怀揣着惊奇、忸怩、不确定以及对未来四年毫无准备的手足无措感跨进了大学门槛。
- 11. Her mind grew clear and crafty. Somehow a way must be found to survive after all, if only to proceed thereafter, always unsafe and unready, toward the earning of a better death.
- 她的心智清,脑骄薏就活动了。再怎么也得想个方法活命呀,就算以前不再那么胸有成竹自以为有万全的准备,就算以后好歹也有一死。
- 12. But many patients - and organizations of doctors and disease specialists - find themselves unready to accept the counterintuitive notion that more testing can be bad for your health.
- 但是很多病人及医生和疾病专家的群体很难接受这个违反直觉的观点:过多的检查有害健康。
- 13. Baz: Artists often seem to have "Dream Projects" that they may feel they are unready or unwilling to do because they are such important fantasies to them, or that seem overwhelming to them.
- 记者:艺术家好像都有自己的“梦幻工程”,他们总是觉得自己还没准备好或者是不愿意动手去做,因为这个梦想对他们而言实在太重要了。
- 14. Baz: Artists often seem to have "Dream Projects" that they may feel they are unready or unwilling to do because they are such important fantasies to them, or that seem overwhelming to them.
- 记者:艺术家好像都有自己的“梦幻工程”,他们总是觉得自己还没准备好或者是不愿意动手去做,因为这个梦想对他们而言实在太重要了。