- 1. She opened the speech with a real zinger.
- 她的开场白十分风趣。
- 2. I love listening to my friends talk and laugh, throwing in a zinger of my own now and again.
- 我喜欢听我好友说说笑笑,不时地插入几句我自己的巧言妙语。
- 3. The panelists are left to compress their inquiries into one good zinger of a question.
- 专家讨论小组的成员剩下的工作就是将他们的质询精简成一个精妙的问题。
- 4. This is a zinger of a day, when love comes to you in the oddest, yet sweetest, way, and when you least expect it to strike.
- 这是极不寻常的一天,爱情会以最诡异而又最甜美的方式,在你最意想不到的时刻降临。
- 5. Pret A Manger's super houmous salad had 3.2g of salt, while, among KFC salads, the Zinger had 3.1g and the original chicken 2.9g.
- 普雷特三明治连锁店的超级鹰嘴豆芝麻沙拉含有3.2克盐,同样的,在肯德基所有的沙拉中,Zinger套餐含有3.1克盐,原味鸡套餐含2.9克盐。
- 6. Gates just sat there coolly, looking Steve in the eye, before hurling back, in his squeaky voice, what became a classic zinger.
- 盖茨安然坐在那里,直视着乔布斯的眼睛,然后用他那尖细的嗓音吐出了一句极为经典的反驳。
- 7. Gates just sat there coolly, looking Steve in the eye, before hurling back, in his squeaky voice, what became a classic zinger.
- 盖茨安然坐在那里,直视着乔布斯的眼睛,然后用他那尖细的嗓音吐出了一句极为经典的反驳。