- 1. New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally.
- 新兴产业需要熟练技术工人,而当地没有。
- 2. We've got cards which are drawn and printed and designed by someone locally.
- 我们得到了由某人在当地绘制、印刷和设计的纸牌。
- 3. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact.
- 在当地,堡垒有两种影响。
- 4. The little restaurant is known to all locally.
- 这家小餐馆在当地远近闻名。
- 5. We're being encouraged to buy locally, not from overseas.
- 我们被鼓励购买本地产品,而非进口产品。
- 6. The new coffee-growing techniques are polluting the water locally.
- 新的咖啡种植技术正在污染当地的水质。
- 7. The EMV solution allowed transactions to be verified locally and securely.
- EMV解决方案允许在本地安全地验证交易。
- 8. The displays, with all items collected locally, show what local life used to be like.
- 所有的展品都是在当地收集的,它们展示了当地人民过去的生活状况。
- 9. You can get a globally optimal solution from locally optimal solutions to sub-problems.
- 你可以通过子问题的局部最优方案从而得到全局优化解决方案。
- 10. One reason for holding the open house days is to get publicity for Hilary Lodge locally.
- 举办开放日的一个原因是在当地宣传希拉里·洛奇老人院。
- 11. In Southern Spain, the sudden increase of greenhouses has changed the warming trend locally.
- 在西班牙南部,温室的突然增加改变了当地的变暖趋势。
- 12. It is locally convex in the sense that it has no loops and the curvature never changes sign.
- 它的局部是凸的,因为它没有环路,且曲率永远不会改变符号。
- 13. The locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive for all but a few of the households.
- 本地生产的独轮车对于多数人来说仍然太昂贵了,只有少数家庭负担得起。
- 14. As tea could not be grown locally, just as in Britain, it was shipped into the country mostly from India.
- 由于茶叶不能像在英国那样在当地种植,所以大部分是从印度运来的。
- 15. You can plant a tree, make a meal with locally grown vegetables, or save power—the possibilities are endless.
- 你可以种一棵树,用当地种植的蔬菜做一顿饭,或者省电。可能性是无穷无尽的。
- 16. Easter Island, or Rapu Nui as it is known locally, is home to several hundred ancient human statues—the moai.
- 复活节岛(当地人称之为拉普努伊岛)是数百座古代人类雕像——摩艾石像的故乡。
- 17. In addition, new coffee-growing techniques are poisoning the water locally, and eventually the world's groundwater.
- 此外,新的咖啡种植技术会污染当地水源,最终会影响到全球的地下水。
- 18. Although the climate remained as unpredictable as ever between one year and the next, it became much less locally perse.
- 尽管在这一年到下一年之间,气候仍然像以往一样难以预测,但当地的多样性已经大大减少。
- 19. We recycle our newspapers and bottles, we take public transport to get to work, and we try to buy locally produced fruit and vegetables.
- 我们回收报纸和瓶子,乘坐公共交通工具去上班,试着购买当地生产的水果和蔬菜。
- 20. Certainly, the limitations imposed by manual labor and the locally available materials of mud-brick and timber necessitated a pergence from the original European church model.
- 当然,由于手工劳动和当地可利用的泥砖和木材等材料的限制,与最初的欧洲教会模式产生了分歧。
- 21. We recycle our Newspapers and bottles, we take public transport to get to work, and we try to buy locally produced fruit and vegetables, and we want to take these attitudes on holiday with us.
- 我们回收报纸和瓶子,乘坐公共交通工具去上班,尝试购买当地生产的水果和蔬菜,我们也希望带着这样的态度去度假。
- 22. After two years, Habibi and her colleagues reported seeing structural changes in the brains of the musically trained children, both locally and in the pathways connecting different parts of the brain.
- 两年后,哈比比及其同事报告称,发现受过音乐训练的儿童,他们的大脑在局部和连接大脑不同部位的通路上都发生了结构变化。
- 23. Meetings were held locally and nationally.
- 举行的会议有地方性的,有全国性的。
- 24. They enjoy participating in a wide variety of activities, both locally and further afield.
- 他们喜欢参加种类繁多的活动,无论是在当地还是在更远的地方。
- 25. Food that is grown locally and things that are sold by local families are often better and cheaper, while helping keep money in local pockets.
- 当地种植的食物和当地家庭出售的东西往往更加优质便宜,同时也有助于帮当地人赚钱。
- 26. Many libraries will help you with locally supplied information about business management shared through chambers of commerce and government agencies, and they will offer printing, faxing and database services you need.
- 许多图书馆会为你提供由本地商会及政府机构共享的商业管理信息,同时提供你所需要的打印、传真及数据库服务。
- 27. Bird species such as the black-banded woodcreeper and the black-throated antshrike disappeared locally.
- 鸟类物种,如扁尾雀和黑喉鵙,已经在局部地区消失了。
- 28. All files are stored locally.
- 所有文件都是本地存储的。
- 29. The bags are produced locally.
- 这些密封袋在当地生产。
- 30. Where possible, shop locally.
- 如果有可能,在当地购物。