- 1. She hoped the plan would checkmate her opponents.
- 她希望这一计划能彻底战胜对手。
- 2. Monkey: I believe that's checkmate.
- 猴:我认为一败涂地。
- 3. Catching the black king in a crossfire leading to checkmate.
- 在带领围擒的一个交火中捕捉黑色的国王。
- 4. Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.
- 国际象棋中宣告对手的。国王。被将死的感叹词。
- 5. When fight, we handle this kind of problem to adopt the measure of each checkmate normally.
- 在作战时,我们处理这类问题通常采取各个击破的办法。
- 6. A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent's king but does not constitute a checkmate.
- 将军下棋中直接进攻对方的“国王”但并没有彻底将死的一着。
- 7. The 3rd May be too checkmate ground wants to make money, and can not lay the foundation good.
- 第三个可能是太击破地想赚钱,而没有能够把基础打好。
- 8. In retaliation Ms Tymoshenko tried to checkmate Mr Yushchenko by teaming up with Mr Yanukovich instead.
- 作为报复,季莫申科决定和亚努科维奇联合,将尤先科一军。
- 9. Middlegame goals are to: 1 checkmate the enemy king, 2 win material, and 3 establish a winning endgame.
- 中局的目标是:1将死对方的王;2得子;3奠定能赢的残局。
- 10. I study the board, and it occurs to me that Clare could checkmate me if she took my bishop with her knight.
- 我看了看棋盘,突然想到,克莱尔可以用她的骑士来将我的主教。
- 11. The principal chess piece, which can move one square in any direction and must be protected against checkmate.
- 王象棋中主要的棋子,可以向任何方向移动一个方格,但必须保护它不被将死。
- 12. It is a form that is possible to continuously layout in one direction like Go or checkmate move of Korean Chess.
- 它是一种可以持续在一个方向布局延续或迂回的形式,像韩国象棋。
- 13. The principal chess piece , which can move one square in any direction and must be protected against checkmate .
- 王象棋中主要的棋子,可以向任何方向移动一个方格,但必须保护它不被将死。
- 14. Promised to intensify its efforts to fight click fraud as part of a settlement with CheckMate, a fraud-detection firm.
- 6月作为联合名为查柯曼特的欺诈侦察公司解决之道的一部分,雅虎承诺加大打击点击欺诈的力度。
- 15. First guess a man's ruling passion, appeal to it by a word, set it in motion by temptation, and you will infallibly give checkmate to his freedom of will.
- 揣测一个人的主要兴趣,以言语要求他,以诱惑促其行动,他必为你所用。
- 16. The object of the game is to get your opponent's King into Checkmate (I. E. : no legal moves available), whilst defending your own King from a similar predicament.
- 这个游戏是让你将对手的国王消灭掉。同时要捍卫自己的国王不被对方消灭。
- 17. Likewise, if you are playing a chess computer, the reason why it moves knight to bishop 3 or whatever might be because that's the only move to guard against checkmate.
- 同理,如果在电脑上下国际象棋,为什么把骑士移动到主教3的位置或者其它位置,因为只有那样走才能保护将军。
- 18. The phase II CheckMate-140 trial is exploring nivolumab (Oppo) for patients with follicular lymphoma following progression on a CD20 antibody and an alkylating agent (NCT02038946).
- 二期的CheckMate- 140试验正在探索用nivolumab治疗经cd 20抗体和烷化剂治疗后进展的滤泡性淋巴瘤。
- 19. The phase II CheckMate-140 trial is exploring nivolumab (Oppo) for patients with follicular lymphoma following progression on a CD20 antibody and an alkylating agent (NCT02038946).
- 二期的CheckMate- 140试验正在探索用nivolumab治疗经cd 20抗体和烷化剂治疗后进展的滤泡性淋巴瘤。