- 1. He gathered himself up cursing, and his comrade said, "Now what's the use of all that?"
- 他咒骂着站了起来,他的同伴说:“现在那些有什么用呢?”
- 2. Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing decisions that denied victory to their team.
- 1998年世界杯结束后许久,失望的球迷仍在咒骂富有争议性的裁决,因为这个裁决剥夺了他们所支持的球队的胜利。
- 3. So we set off again, cursing the delay, toward the west.
- 于是我们再次出发,诅咒着延误,向西走。
- 4. He couldn't speak for five minutes without cursing.
- 超不过五分钟就会咒骂一句。
- 5. At first, he sat on a cushion, cursing the school.
- 起先,他坐在一个垫子上面,嘴里诅咒着学校。
- 6. Both cursing and arm crossing could reduce emotional torment.
- 骂人和抱臂可以降低情感痛苦。
- 7. It will get you outside and enjoying winter rather than cursing it.
- 这能让你呆在户外,并在冬天乐在其中而不是诅咒它。
- 8. "We should get the guard," the attendant said and started cursing again.
- “我们该叫保安,”值班人员说,又开始骂起来。
- 9. “Where is this bookstore?” he asked, cursing himself for even sounding interested.
- “那书店在哪里?”他问道,诅咒自己听起来很感兴趣。
- 10. Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you?
- 人所说的一切话,你不要放在心上,恐怕听见你的仆人咒诅你。
- 11. I recommenced cursing — don't be angry, Nelly — and so Robert was ordered to take me off.
- 我又开始咒骂了——别生气,耐莉——这样罗伯特就奉命把我带走。
- 12. I didn't want to say anything before, but you don't need all the cursing and violence.
- 我什么也不说了,不过你们也别吵闹。
- 13. Hearken, hearken, shoo's cursing on 'em!' muttered Joseph, towards whom I had been steering.
- “听吧,听吧,她在咒他们啦!”约瑟夫咕噜着,我正向他走去。
- 14. He wore cursing as his garment; it entered into his body like water, into his bones like oil.
- 他拿咒骂当衣服穿上。这咒骂就如水进他里面,像油入他的骨头。
- 15. Imagine, your child won't stop crying on the plane. You're the person everyone is cursing.
- 设想一下,你的孩子在飞机上不听地哭,你就成了大家所诅咒的那个人。
- 16. 'I recommenced cursing - don't be angry, Nelly - and so Robert was ordered to take me off.
- 别生气,雷莉。于是他们让罗伯特把我带走。
- 17. As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.
- 他爱咒骂,咒骂就临到他。他不喜爱福乐,福乐就与他远离。
- 18. In short cursing people is all about repeating a statement confidently that the person has a tendency to believe.
- 总之,诅咒就是自信的重复一个人们会相信的陈述。
- 19. As he played nearby, I was overexerting myself and practically cursing all the trees for having made such a mess.
- 他在一旁玩耍,而我一边辛苦地捡着树叶,一边咒骂这些树把我们的院子搞得这么糟。
- 20. The next day my body would be cursing me, but the tea eggs seemed as effective as any nature store granola mix.
- 第二天,我以为我的身体会不适应,但那些茶叶蛋似乎跟任何纯天然存储的麦片一样有效。
- 21. It may be that the LORD will look on mine affliction, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day.
- 或者耶和华见我遭难,为我今日被这人咒骂,就施恩与我。
- 22. And, perhaps it sheds light on the classic posture of adolescent defiance: standing with one's arms crossed, cursing.
- 而且这可能阐明了青少年反抗的经典姿势:双手交叉站着,骂人。
- 23. Swearing, cursing or insulting other members is banned in our group, we are friends here and we should respect each other.
- 不允许在群内使用咒骂、诅咒、侮辱等不文明用语,群友间应彼此尊重。
- 24. At that moment, while cursing the invention of radar, I realized that life in the fast lane doesn't reap any benefits.
- 那时,我心里开始诅咒发明雷达测速仪的人。突然我意识到我的生活也在快车道上奔跑,这种忙乱并没有为我生命中带来更多的实质性好处。
- 25. Then you spend double the amount of time trying to fix it to look tolerable in IE6 and IE7, cursing loudly the entire time.
- 这时,你又要花费成倍的时间来修改,让网页在IE6和IE7中看起来还能忍受,咒骂所浪费的时间。
- 26. To the list of unusual antidotes for pain - including cursing, meditation and giving a massage - now add crossing your arms.
- 独特的疼痛解毒剂列表包括骂人,冥想和按摩,如今还增加了抱臂。
- 27. In this article I will tell you about psychological curses, how they affect your life and how to prevent others from cursing you.
- 在文章中,我将会告诉大家一些心理诅咒,它们是如何影响你的生活,以及如何去防范他人诅咒你。
- 28. As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.
- 他拿咒骂当衣服穿上。这咒骂就如水进他里面,像油入他的骨头。
- 29. As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.
- 他拿咒骂当衣服穿上。这咒骂就如水进他里面,像油入他的骨头。