- 1. This chard, Morton explains, is actually the same species as beets.
- 莫顿介绍说,这些甜菜实际上都来自相同的品种。
- 2. Best yet, Swiss chard in particular is extremely easy to grow in POTS.
- 最好不过的是唐莴苣,可以很容易地在花盆中种植。
- 3. 4 cups packed, coarsely chopped collard greens (or Swiss chard or spinach)
- 4杯收拾好的,粗切过的新鲜的绿叶羽衣甘蓝(或唐莴苣或菠菜)
- 4. The same is true for a few vegetables like spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard.
- 像菠菜、甜菜、牛皮菜等蔬菜同样如此。
- 5. Swiss chard: a leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.
- 瑞士甜菜:多叶的绿色蔬菜,富含防止眼睛老化的类胡萝卜素。
- 6. Wash and dry a bunch of Swiss chard, and then chop the leaves and stems into 1-inch pieces.
- 清洗再弄干瑞士甜菜,然后把叶和茎切成到1英寸大小。
- 7. It's related to mangel and chard. It's a biennial and is. usually grown in a cool climate.
- 它同饲用甜菜或牛皮菜的亲缘很近,两年生,通常栽培在冷凉的气候条件下。
- 8. And in Chard in Somerset around 10 million ladybirds have descended on farmland and set up home.
- 在萨默塞特郡查得农场大约1000万只七星瓢虫出现在农田里并“安营扎寨”。
- 9. The last three swiss chard for this season. The one on right side is very big and more than 6 lbs.
- 今季最后收成的几棵君达菜,右边一棵足足有六磅多重。
- 10. The capital of the state chard zhou is located in central land of lebap state on left bank of amu river.
- 首府查尔朱位于列巴普州的中心地带,坐落于阿姆河的左岸,铁路和公路连接查尔朱?
- 11. A half cup of cooked Swiss chard provides a huge amount of both lutein and zeaxanthin, supplying 10 mg each.
- 半杯煮熟的瑞士甜菜提供了大量的叶黄素和玉米黄质(lutein andzeaxanthin),各约10毫克。
- 12. Out comes some greedy calendula (trust me, we have lots) where they have swamped the chilli plants and chard.
- 金盏菊已经淹没了辣椒和甜菜,有一些开花了。
- 13. Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard.
- 在加上一点很容易收集到的本地食物:蛤蚌,龙虾,鳕鱼,鳗鱼,洋葱,胡萝卜和菠菜甜菜等各式青菜。
- 14. On our plot all was well blanketed in rich cow manure the chard standing idle waiting for the warmth of the sun.
- 在我们的这块地上一切都好,被厚厚的牛粪覆盖着,红叶甜菜。
- 15. Spinach, like broccoli and Swiss chard, is an excellent source of vitamins a and c, which your body needs to produce sebum.
- 波菜,或是花椰菜、瑞士甜菜等都是维他命a、C最好的来源,是人体所需来产生皮脂的营养素。
- 16. Warm chickpeas and Greens With Vinaigrette: in parts of France, farmers make a traditional meal of boiled chickpeas and spinach or chard.
- 飘香鹰嘴豆蔬菜:在法国部分地区,农民会用煮沸的鹰嘴豆和菠菜或糖莴苣做成一道传统菜肴。
- 17. Apparently they aren't finding any of my red chard or golden chard seed in their sugar beets, and I'm not finding any of their genetics in mine.
- 很明显他们还没有在自己的地里发现我的红甜菜或金甜菜,我也没有在我的地里发现他们的基因作物。
- 18. Make juice - If you have a juicer, try a handful of rainbow chard, 1/2 cucumber, 1 lemon (with rind), 5 or 6 stalks of celery and 1/2 of an apple.
- 做杯果汁-如果你有榨汁机的话,给自己来杯彩虹果汁吧,你需要半根黄瓜,一个柠檬,5到6更芹菜的茎和半个苹果。
- 19. For farmers, it's first come, first served - if you "pin" a sugar beet field, nobody else is supposed to grow seed for Swiss chard within three miles.
- 对农民来说,就是先到先得,如果你现在地里种上了甜菜,没人会在你周围三英里范围内再种瑞士甜菜。
- 20. Because the color and shape of certain greens is similar to money, many consume vegetables like kale, chard, and cabbage in the hopes of a wealthier New Year.
- 因为某些绿色的蔬菜的颜色和形状都很有价值,许多消费蔬菜如羽衣甘蓝,菜,白菜,都希望能在新的一年更有价值。
- 21. This category of vegetables overlaps the cruciferous family and includes chard, spinach and beets (by virtue of the leaves, but the red root is healthy, too).
- 这类蔬菜重桑在十字花科家族之上,其中包括甜菜、菠菜和甜菜根(因为叶子有营养,其红色的根也是健康食品)。
- 22. This category of vegetables overlaps the cruciferous family and includes chard, spinach and beets (by virtue of the leaves, but the red root is healthy, too).
- 这类蔬菜重桑在十字花科家族之上,其中包括甜菜、菠菜和甜菜根(因为叶子有营养,其红色的根也是健康食品)。