- 1. 1967 - The world's first ATM is installed in Enfield, London.
- 1967年的今天,在伦敦的埃菲尔德,安装了世界上首台自动柜员机。
- 2. IF you need a new ground, why not go north to Enfield or Hertfordshire where lots of fans live?
- 如果你需要新的球场,为什么不去北边的恩菲德或者海特·福德那些球迷多的地方?
- 3. Outside the Enfield store, two teenage girls carry their three-dozen doughnuts for a birthday party.
- 从埃菲尔德店出来,两个十几岁的小女孩带着她们的三打甜甜圈奔赴生日派对。
- 4. Rahman, an engineer, said he had seen a message on Facebook that Enfield would be "next on the hitlist".
- 工程师Rahman说他在Facebook上看到一则消息称Enfield是“下一个目标”。
- 5. They were invited to a seemingly normal home in Enfield, north London, to value the property for a sale.
- 这些房产经纪人应邀来到伦敦北部恩菲尔德一栋看似正常的房子,来为此房产的出售估价。
- 6. Clashes later broke out in Enfield, north London, where shop Windows were smashed and a police car damaged.
- 随后伦敦北部安菲尔德爆发冲突,商店玻璃被打碎,一辆警车被毁。
- 7. I was born in Tottenham during the mid-Sixties and lived there until the age of eight when my family moved to Enfield.
- 我于六十年代中期出生在托特纳姆,八岁那年,家人带着我搬到了恩菲尔德。
- 8. Mits: Disgusted at the fact the local MPs of Tottenham and Enfield are trying to blame all the action on people not from the area.
- 三井:托特纳姆和安菲尔德的许多当地议员把责任归咎于那些非当地人,这种做法十分让人厌恶。
- 9. He has already come a long way, from the French third pision to the Premiership and from family life in Cannes to settling in less glamorous Enfield.
- 他已走过了一段长路,从法国丙级队到英超,从在迷人的戛纳与家人的天伦之乐到在简陋的恩菲尔德安顿下来。
- 10. Having moved to the relatively upmarket Enfield, I missed out on the fact that this shift in gang dynamics was taking place far more quickly in the Tottenham I had left behind.
- 在搬到相对上流的恩菲尔德以后,我忽视了这样一个事实:托特纳姆帮派环境的改变比我想象中要快很多。
- 11. James from Enfield: Last night on the way down the A10 road I saw a young boy with a TV bigger than him, just casually walking and there were police with dogs right behind them.
- 来自安菲尔德的詹姆斯:昨天在A10公路上我看见一个男孩大摇大摆的走着,怀里抱着一个比他还大的电视机,警察和警犬就在他身后。
- 12. Above: a cosplayer known as "Enfield," right, portrays zombie-shooting police officer Leon Kennedy from the Capcom survival-horror series Resident Evil. "Chappiy" plays Ada Wong from the same series.
- 上图:图右为知名cosplayer“Enfield”,扮演射杀僵尸的警官里昂。肯尼迪该角色来自于卡普空公司的生存恐怖游戏《生化危机》系列,“Chappiy”则扮演同一游戏的艾达。王。
- 13. Above: a cosplayer known as "Enfield," right, portrays zombie-shooting police officer Leon Kennedy from the Capcom survival-horror series Resident Evil. "Chappiy" plays Ada Wong from the same series.
- 上图:图右为知名cosplayer“Enfield”,扮演射杀僵尸的警官里昂。肯尼迪该角色来自于卡普空公司的生存恐怖游戏《生化危机》系列,“Chappiy”则扮演同一游戏的艾达。王。