- 1. I got some dinner at a drive-through and headed home.
- 我在一个汽车餐馆买了晚餐就奔家去了。
- 2. Speed, of course, is essential to the drive-through experience.
- 诚然,速度对“免下车”体验来说是很重要的。
- 3. McDonald's wasn't alone in slowing down: other chains also saw their drive-through performance slow down.
- 麦当劳并不是唯一在放慢速度的:其他连锁店的免下车服务表现也在变慢。
- 4. McDonald's wasn't alone in slowing down, other chains also saw their drive-through performance slow down.
- 麦当劳并不是唯一在放慢速度的,其他连锁店的“免下车”服务速度也在放慢。
- 5. McDonald's posted its slowest drive-through times since this survey was first conducted fifteen years ago.
- 麦当劳发布了自15年前首次进行这项调查以来,其免下车服务的最慢时间。
- 6. A new study finds that McDonald's posted its slowest drive-through times since this survey was first conducted fifteen years ago.
- 一项新的研究发现,麦当劳公布了自15年前首次进行这项调查以来最慢的“免下车”时间。
- 7. "Usually, the drive-through accounts for sixty to seventy percent of all business that goes through a fastfood restaurant," notes Sam Oches, editor of QSR.
- “通常,免下车服务占快餐店所有业务的60%到70%。”QSR 的编辑Sam Oches指出。
- 8. "Usually, the drive-through accounts for sixty to seventy percent of all business that goes through a fast-food restaurant," notes Sam Oches, editor of QSR.
- “通常,得来速占快餐店所有业务的60%到70%。”QSR 杂志的编辑Sam Oches指出。
- 9. I like a good drive-through meal as much as the next person. But is it truly satisfying?
- 我象其他人一样喜欢好的汽车餐厅,但是这真的令人满意吗?
- 10. Wearing a uniform and a name tag, the store owner's dog greets customers at the store's drive-through window.
- 科迪是加油站主人的宠物犬,它每天都会身穿工作服、佩带姓名牌,在加油站便利店的免下车购物窗口问候过往顾客。
- 11. Fast food is a multibillion-dollar industry, and for some of us, drive-through dinner has become a way of life.
- 快餐业是个庞大的产业,对于我们一部分人来说“汽车餐厅”已然成为生活一部分。
- 12. Lately Starbucks has added more foods, including breakfast foods, and put drive-through Windows in some stores.
- 最近星巴克增加了更多的食物,包括早餐食品,并在一些店面开设了驾驶通道窗。
- 13. This store even has a drive-through, for when you really can't be bothered to walk the few metres to the counter.
- 这家店铺甚至还有车行通道,以方便那些不愿走到几米开外的柜台上点单的顾客。
- 14. After a drive-through employee failed to respond to the man's threat of contacting the police, the irate diner called 911, a police report alleges.
- 据警方的一份报告称,当时快餐店“得来速”窗口的服务员并不理会该食客要呼叫警察的威胁,结果该食客暴跳如雷,真的拨打了911求救电话。
- 15. I spent that first month working the front counter register, the drive-through register, working the hamburger grill and french fry station, and doing openings and closings.
- 头一个月,我负责柜台收银、得来速(指不下车便能够用餐的一种快餐服务)收银、烤汉堡和炸薯条,另外还负责开门营业和关门打烊。
- 16. About 65% of its sales in America are made in drive-through restaurants where customers stay in their cars, placing their orders and then receiving their food through a window.
- 在美国65%的用餐交易都是在免泊车的餐厅完成的。即在车内点购他们所需要的食物然后从窗口接收闪人。
- 17. The flood was too deep to drive through.
- 洪水太深,汽车开不过去。
- 18. It's illegal to drive through a red light.
- 开车闯红灯是违章行为。
- 19. When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be among trees that are over 1,000 years old.
- 当你开车穿过加利福尼亚的红杉林时,你将置身于有1000多年树龄的树木之中。
- 20. Remember we should not drive through the red light.
- 记得我们不能闯红灯。
- 21. From my place to Shelton, we have to drive through the quarters, so we'd better leave early to avoid the traffic.
- 从我住的地方到谢尔顿,我们得穿过居民区,所以我们最好早点出发,避开交通堵塞。
- 22. Other users can also download the files they want from your computer’s hard drive through the software.
- 而其它用户也可以通过该软件从你的电脑硬盘上下载他们想要的文件。
- 23. IF YOU have ever wondered what the little metal ball in a wooden labyrinth feels like, drive through rural West Virginia.
- 如果你想知道一个小金属球在木制迷宫中是如何滚动的话,你可以开车去西弗吉尼亚的郊区。
- 24. When you drive through an area marked with school zones, watch out for children who are walking or bicycling to school.
- 当您通过有学校标志的区域时,要注意步行或骑自行车上学的孩子们。
- 25. Drive through the night o 'er the desolate plain!
- 穿过了黑夜,穿过了荒凉的原野!
- 26. He describes a recent drive through ailing neighborhoods.
- 他讲述了最近开车经过萧条的街区的经历。
- 27. The whole meaning of the gateway is for him to drive through it, and so he does.
- 大门存在的目的就是等着他开进去,于是他这样做了。
- 28. If you have the opportunity to drive through the gentle, rolling hills amidst lush farmlands, perhaps you will see a horse and buggy driven by a family dressed mostly in black.
- 如果你有机会开车穿过那些绿油油农田中静谧、逶迤的山丘,也许你会看见驾着四轮马车大部分都穿着黑衣的一家人。
- 29. If you have the opportunity to drive through the gentle, rolling hills amidst lush farmlands, perhaps you will see a horse and buggy driven by a family dressed mostly in black.
- 如果你有机会开车穿过那些绿油油农田中静谧、逶迤的山丘,也许你会看见驾着四轮马车大部分都穿着黑衣的一家人。