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- rule

- rule: [13] Rule is one of a largish family of English words that go back ultimately to Latin rēgula ‘straight stick, ruler, rule, pattern’ (whose close relatives rēx ‘king’ and regere ‘rule’ have also contributed royally to English vocabulary in the form of rector, regent, regiment, royal, etc). Derivatives have produced regular and regulate, while rēgula itself has given rail ‘bar’ and, via Vulgar Latin *regula and Old French reule, rule.
=> rail, raj, rector, regal, regent, regular, regulate, royal
英语翻译自西班牙语sangre azul, 蓝血。sangre, 同sanguine , 血液的。azul, 同azure, 天蓝色的。据说纯种贵族的血液是蓝色的。比较杜甫诗“高帝子孙尽隆准”,就是说汉朝皇室都是高鼻梁。某种程度上都是为了显示贵族与平民百姓天生的差别。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:blue-blooded 词源,blue-blooded 含义。