- 1. Before the invention of spin technology, zoic fur were mainly material.
- 在纺织技术尚未发明之前,动物的毛皮是人们服装的主要材料。
- 2. Much like Zoic Studios, the fabulous company that I am proud to work for.
- 很像Zoic工作室,我很骄傲为这家公司工作。
- 3. Objective: To Determine the content of salicylic acid and benzoic acid in Compound Ben-zoic acid Powder by HPLC.
- 目的:采用高效液相色谱法同时测定复方苯甲酸散中水杨酸苯甲酸的含量。
- 4. The Allochthon consists mainly of Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Protero-zoic rocks which constitutes a klippe group.
- 其外来系统主要由泥盆系、二叠系、三叠系及元古代岩体组成,构成飞来峰群。
- 5. The researcher simulated the anchorage tooth movement in the orthodontic therapy and established the zoic trial model.
- 建立动物实验模型模拟正畸矫治中支抗牙移动。
- 6. Located in the middle Mongolia, Nilga Bbasin is a Meso-zoic rift basin and is in the early exploration stage at present.
- 位于蒙古国中部的尼尔金盆地是一个中生代裂谷盆地,目前仍处于勘探早期。
- 7. Objective: To observe the effects of Balsam pear Grande on lowering the blood-sugar in the zoic model with hyperglycemia.
- 目的:观察苦瓜精粉对高血糖动物模型的降低血糖作用。
- 8. In order to modify aromatic polymer, benzoic acid-bentonite was synthesized by treating alkaline Ca-bentonite with Ben - zoic acid.
- 为了改性具有芳烃基团的有机高分子材料,用苯甲酸改性碱性钙基膨润土制备了苯甲酸有机膨润土。
- 9. BACKGROUND&AIM: To study the effect of holmium ions on DNA breakage of mice liver cells and the effect of holmium element on apoptosis of zoic cells in vivo.
- 背景与目的: 通过研究钬离子溶液对小鼠肝脏细胞DNA的损伤,探讨钬元素对诱导动物细胞凋亡的影响。
- 10. BACKGROUND&AIM: To study the effect of holmium ions on DNA breakage of mice liver cells and the effect of holmium element on apoptosis of zoic cells in vivo.
- 背景与目的: 通过研究钬离子溶液对小鼠肝脏细胞DNA的损伤,探讨钬元素对诱导动物细胞凋亡的影响。