- 1. He peeled off five one - thousand - zloty notes.
- 他撕了五张一千兹罗提面额的钞票。
- 2. As financial markets seized up, however, the zloty went into reverse.
- 然而,随着金融市场陷入危机,兹罗提也开始贬值。
- 3. In Poland the zloty fell further, hurting many who took out home loans in foreign currencies.
- 波兰兹拉第(波兰货币名称)继续下跌,将伤害那些拿国内贷款放入国外流通领域的人。
- 4. A cheaper real, zloty and rupee will help emerging economies win a bigger share of global spending.
- 更为便宜的雷亚尔,兹罗提,卢比将协助新兴经济体赢得更大的世界消费的份额。
- 5. The Polish zloty has dropped 15% against the euro this year, the hardest hit of the non-euro eu currencies.
- 波币(兹罗提)今年对欧元下跌15%,这在非欧元欧盟国家,打击最深。
- 6. Poland, ambitiously, says it wants to meet the criteria and set a fixed rate for the zloty against the euro in 2011.
- 波兰表示力争在2011年前达到加入欧元区标准,制定兹罗提(波兰货币)兑欧元固定汇率。
- 7. This is leading to excessive price movements and 1-month at-the-money volatility is 19% for the zloty versus 12% for the Swiss franc.
- 这是导致波兰在过去一个月个价格波幅约19%远大于瑞士法郎的12%。
- 8. These emerging currencies are trending higher, with the Polish zloty and Czech koruna the weakest of the group, but even they remain in an uptrend.
- 这些新兴市场货币呈现走高趋势,其中波兰兹罗提和捷克克朗为最弱势的族群,即便他们仍处于上升趋势。
- 9. The zloty strengthened steadily against the euro during the first seven months of 2008, hitting a record high of Zl 3.2:euro 1 in the second half of July.
- 在2008年的头七个月,波兰兹罗提(注:波兰货币)相对欧元稳步走强,在7月下半月,兹罗提对欧元汇率为3.2.
- 10. As elsewhere in the region, part of the rush to qualify is to forestall a further drop in the zloty, which would make foreign-currency loans harder to pay off.
- 和其他区域的情况一样,这么着急的想要具有资格部分原因是为了防止兹罗提的进一步贬值,而贬值会使外币借款越来越难以偿清。
- 11. A cheaper real, zloty and rupee will help emerging economies win a bigger share of global spending, but that is small consolation if global spending declines.
- 雷亚尔、兹拉第、卢比越便宜,就越有助新兴经济体在全球消费中赢得更大的份额,不过如果全球消费下降的话,那将是小小的安慰。
- 12. A cheaper real, zloty and rupee will help emerging economies win a bigger share of global spending. But that is small consolation if global spending declines.
- 贬值后的巴西里尔、波兰兹罗托和印度卢布将使新兴国家分享全球消费更大份额,但如果全球消费总额下降的话,这些国家将得不偿失。
- 13. Due to the recent concern raised by the Hungarian central bank about CHF/HUF and the impact on mortgages the zloty may be a better buy as there is less risk of intervention.
- 由于匈牙利中央银行近期关注于瑞士法郎福林以及兹罗提的抵押贷款的影响,可能是一个更好的购买原因,因为他们有较少的干预风险。
- 14. Poland, for its part, failed to qualify because of doubts that it could control its budget deficit and worries that it owed its low inflation to the rise in the zloty (which was not in ERM-2).
- 波兰还有它特别的原因,存在是否能控制预算赤字的质疑,以及担心它把低通胀归因为兹罗提的升值(这不在ERM-2的范围内)。
- 15. Hundreds of women took part in the 4th annual 150-metre (492-foot) high-heel race organised by Glamour Magazine in Warsaw on Saturday, vying for the first prize money of 10000 Polish Zloty ($3,046).
- 数百名妇女参加了第四届年度150米(492英尺)高的鞋跟在华沙举办的魅力杂志上周六比赛的一部分,首奖10000波兰兹罗提(三零四六美元)货币争夺。
- 16. Hundreds of women took part in the 4th annual 150-metre (492-foot) high-heel race organised by Glamour Magazine in Warsaw on Saturday, vying for the first prize money of 10000 Polish Zloty ($3,046).
- 数百名妇女参加了第四届年度150米(492英尺)高的鞋跟在华沙举办的魅力杂志上周六比赛的一部分,首奖10000波兰兹罗提(三零四六美元)货币争夺。