- 1. The properties of zein films were affected by cold storage temperature.
- 冷藏温度对玉米醇溶蛋白膜特性有一定影响。
- 2. The properties of zein films were effected by freezing storage temperature.
- 冻藏温度对玉米醇溶蛋白膜特性有一定影响。
- 3. This article aim was to provide the basis of the utilization of zein and co…
- 旨在为玉米醇溶蛋白的提取、利用和玉米的综合开发提供依据。
- 4. Zein is the major storage protein of corn and comprises 45% ~ 50% of total protein in corn.
- 玉米醇溶蛋白是玉米中主要的贮藏蛋白质,约占总蛋白质的45% ~ 50%。
- 5. The experimental results indicated that zein could be used as a delayed-release skeleton material.
- 实验结果表明了玉米醇溶蛋白是一种良好的天然药物缓控释骨架材料。
- 6. This paper does research on the condition of zein film formation and its fresh preservation effect.
- 总结了国内外玉米醇溶蛋白膜制备与应用的研究现状,并对其应用进行了展望。
- 7. Maize endosperm mainly Contains zein, laking necessary amino acid such as lysine, methione and so on.
- 玉米胚乳蛋白质以醇溶性胶蛋白为主,缺乏赖氨酸、色氨酸等必需氨基酸。
- 8. Recently , with development of further research on zein , its application range is gradually enlarged.
- 近年来随着对玉米醇溶蛋白研究的深入,它的应用范围逐步扩大。
- 9. Some new ways of extracting zein were introduced; also the purity and decolouring of zein were discussed.
- 对玉米醇溶蛋白的提取、脱色、纯化等制备方法进行了介绍。
- 10. Effects of different temperatures on zein film were evaluated for release of nisin into hydrochloric acid.
- 研究了4种不同温度对玉米朊包埋乳酸菌素释放的影响。
- 11. The use potassium as base stage fertilizing can increase the starch content but glutenin and zein contents decline.
- 钾肥一次性做基肥施入,可提籽粒高淀粉含量,但谷蛋白和醇溶蛋白含量降低。
- 12. The TG analysis curves and DSC thermogram showed that the blank zein nanoparticles are more stable than the law zein.
- 热重分析和差热分析的结果显示制得的玉米蛋白空白微球较原料稳定性有所提高。
- 13. The invention relates to a zein film that could be fully degraded in natural environment and the manufacturing method.
- 本发明属于一种在食品、药品包装中使用并可以在自然环境中完全降解 的玉米醇溶蛋白膜及其制备方法。
- 14. The lysine content of hybrid was over 0. 4% (per cent of whole endosperm), the zein content of hybrid was under 28. 8% in the chemical analysis.
- 经多次生化分析,赖氨酸含量在0.4%(占全胚乳)以上,醇溶蛋白质在28.8%以下;
- 15. Obvious increase in grain protein, prolamine (zein) and glutelin content of high-oil corn at different levels of nitrogen application was observed.
- 不同施氮水平对高油玉米吉油一号籽粒淀粉含量有明显影响。
- 16. The composition of zein was introduced in this paper. The advance study on the extraction, decolorizing methods and applications of zein were also reviewed in the paper.
- 本文介绍了玉米醇溶蛋白的组成,综述了玉米醇溶蛋白在提取,脱色和应用方面的研究新进展。
- 17. Zein microsphere tablets improved the stability of the zein microsphere enclosed drugs in suspension and suppressed the phenomenon of sudden release at the first stage of delivery.
- 该蛋白微球新剂型改善了载药微球悬浮液的稳定性,抑制了释药初期的突释现象。
- 18. Zein film is a green packing material, it possesses many functional properties, such as gas-resisting, oil-resisting, fragrance -holding, humidity -preventing and ultraviolet radiation-preventing.
- 玉米蛋白膜是一种绿色包装,它具有良好的阻气性、阻油性、保香性、防湿性和防紫外线性,因此我们开发玉米蛋白膜具有重大的意义。
- 19. Zein film is a green packing material, it possesses many functional properties, such as gas-resisting, oil-resisting, fragrance -holding, humidity -preventing and ultraviolet radiation-preventing.
- 玉米蛋白膜是一种绿色包装,它具有良好的阻气性、阻油性、保香性、防湿性和防紫外线性,因此我们开发玉米蛋白膜具有重大的意义。