- 1. All the yakuza members who came to our house were covered in tattoos.
- 所有来我们家的流氓身上都有纹身。
- 2. Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia, were the first to set up soup kitchens for the victims.
- 还是日本的黑社会社团首先为灾民提供流动厨房。
- 3. Further, our source says Sega may be working on a version of Yakuza 5 for the PS Vita.
- 此外,我们的消息来源称,世嘉可能瘪三5版本为PS维塔工作。
- 4. But Jake Adelstein, an American journalist who specialises on yakuza activities, suspects murder.
- 但是美国新闻记者杰克。艾德斯坦怀疑这是一起谋杀,艾德斯坦专注于研究雅库扎的活动。
- 5. She has written a best-selling autobiography called Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter.
- 她的自传《流氓的月亮:流氓之女的回忆》成为一本畅销书。
- 6. Japan's yakuza groups are not illegal, and frequently operate front companies out of smart offices.
- 日本犯罪团伙不是非法的,因而他们时常可以公司化的运作。
- 7. Yakuza swooped in, even using a helicopter, and provided disaster relief while the authorities were dillydallying around.
- 暴力团迅速开展救援行动,向灾区提供救灾物资,甚至动用了直升飞机。
- 8. Yakuza have for centuries used extensive tattoos as a sign of belonging to any group, as well as to identify its position in the group.
- 几个世纪以来,日本雅库扎用大面积纹身象征所在的帮派,也象征其在帮派内的地位。
- 9. At 22, Shoko Tendo was married to a yakuza member named Katamitsu. They later porced. "My ex-husband was a sweet guy, though," remembers Shoko.
- 22岁时,天藤香子和一个叫孝光的帮派分子结婚。之后,他们分手了。“我前夫其实人不错。”
- 10. Yakuza operate locally, but they need to expand overseas, which is hard because they've never tried to build relationships with other Mafia organizations.
- 暴力团一直本地经营,现在他们需要向海外扩张,这非常困难,因为他们从未与国外的黑帮建立过联系。
- 11. Mr Takayama was asked whether any of Olympus's financial advisers had ties to "anti-social forces", a euphemism for the yakuza (Japanese Mafia). He replied: "I don't acknowledge that at all."
- 当被问及奥林巴斯的财务顾问是否与“反社会势力”(对日本黑帮“极道”的委婉称谓)有染时,高山回答到:“根本就没有这么回事!”
- 12. Mr Takayama was asked whether any of Olympus's financial advisers had ties to "anti-social forces", a euphemism for the yakuza (Japanese Mafia). He replied: "I don't acknowledge that at all."
- 当被问及奥林巴斯的财务顾问是否与“反社会势力”(对日本黑帮“极道”的委婉称谓)有染时,高山回答到:“根本就没有这么回事!”