- 1. The Defenders of Wildlife, a wolfish outfit, says coyotes kill 20 times more cattle than wolves do.
- 灰狼保护组织 “野生动植物保护者”称,土狼能杀死比灰狼多20倍的家畜;
- 2. He's not a rough diamond — a pearl-containing oyster of a rustic: he's a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man.
- 他不是一块粗糙的钻石——乡下人当中的一个含珠之蚌,而是一个凶恶的,无情的,像狼一样残忍的人。
- 3. Martin shook his head, but he had failed to keep back the wolfish, hungry look that leapt into his eyes at the suggestion of dinner.
- 马丁摇摇头,但是他听见吃饭时眼里所流露出的饿狼般的馋相,却无法掩饰。
- 4. Even above the hissing boom of the larchwood, that spread its bristling, leafless, wolfish darkness on the down-slope, she heard the tinkle as of tiny water-bells.
- 这声音甚至比那落叶松林的嘶嘶的怒号声更高,落时松林在山坡上,遍布着忿怒的、无叶的、狞恶的暗影。她听见好象一些渺小的水铃在鸣着。
- 5. The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look.
- 可我的大女儿总选择在上学前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠我,恳求我允许她穿耳洞。
- 6. The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look.
- 可我的大闺女总选择在上学前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠我,恳求我允许她穿耳洞。
- 7. In the evening in Illulissat the sun fails to set and from the hotel terrace we watch a pack of wolfish Greenlandic sledge dogs howling in complaint at the relative heat.
- 晚上的伊路利沙特,太阳无法落山。通过宾馆阳台,我们看到一群格陵兰雪橇狼狗在这相对更热的环境下咆哮抱怨。
- 8. I raise my head and see a red illuminated EXIT sign and as my eyes adjust I see tigers, cavemen with long spears, cavewomen wearing strategicallymodest skins, wolfish dogs.
- 我随即来到了一片黑暗中,对着砖地呕吐,我抬起头,看到了红色的出口照明标志,当我适应了黑暗之后,看到了老虎,洞穴里的男人拿着长矛,女人穿着用来表示作战的兽皮,还有凶残的野狗。
- 9. I raise my head and see a red illuminated EXIT sign and as my eyes adjust I see tigers, cavemen with long spears, cavewomen wearing strategicallymodest skins, wolfish dogs.
- 我随即来到了一片黑暗中,对着砖地呕吐,我抬起头,看到了红色的出口照明标志,当我适应了黑暗之后,看到了老虎,洞穴里的男人拿着长矛,女人穿着用来表示作战的兽皮,还有凶残的野狗。