- 1. In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.
- 相比之下,富裕家庭的女孩子们通常都过着养尊处优的生活。
- 2. He was born of fairly well-to-do parents.
- 他出身于相当富裕的家庭。
- 3. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets.
- 煤气可与烟雾缭绕的油灯和摇曳不定的蜡烛相媲美,在新世纪之初,富裕的伦敦人逐渐习惯了有煤气照明的房子,甚至街道。
- 4. They're very well-to-do.
- 他们很阔绰。
- 5. From sunrise to sunset, my father, my younger brother and I cut and trimmed very large yards in well-to-do part of the city.
- 从日出到日落,我的父亲、我的弟弟和我都在城市的富人区修整那些非常大的庭院。
- 6. From sunrise to sunset, my father, my younger brother and I cut and trimmed very large yards in a well-to-do part of the city.
- 从日出到日落,父亲、弟弟和我都在城市的富人区修整那些非常大的庭院。
- 7. She comes from a well-to-do family.
- 她出身于一个小康之家。
- 8. This is the part of town where the well-to-do live.
- 这地区住的全是镇上的有钱人家。
- 9. The well-to-do are not just buying fashion.
- 暴发户们不仅仅在买流行服饰。
- 10. Almost all whites in South Africa live behind gates, as do well-to-do blacks.
- 南非富裕的黑人就像所有白人一样,门庭宽敞。
- 11. "Cambridge was full of well-to-do gentlemen living a pretty good life," van Wyhe said.
- 范维尔说:“当时剑桥大学到处都是过着奢侈生活的富家子弟。”
- 12. Peyton Farquhar was a well-to-do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.
- 佩顿·法夸尔,家境殷实的种植园主,出身于阿拉巴马州一个古老的望族。
- 13. In June, 1962, a plane crashed in Paris carrying mostly well-to-do white passengers from Atlanta.
- 1962年六月,一架飞机在巴黎坠毁,乘客大部分都是来自亚特兰大的富裕白人。
- 14. The Touhys, a well-to-do white family, can't ignore the needs of a homeless African-American boy.
- 陶西一家,富裕的白人家庭,却没有忽略无家可归的非洲裔美国男孩的需要。
- 15. It would take several generations' effort to deliver a well-to-do life to the 1.3 billion Chinese people.
- 要使13亿人过上富裕的日子,还需要几代人努力。
- 16. Le Amor is one of only a handful of privately run retirement homes in the capital aimed at the well-to-do.
- “爱心”是首都为数不多专为高端人群服务的几家私营退休所之一。
- 17. We soon learn that she is the personal assistant of a well-to-do family whose bad moods she gently absorbs.
- 不久后,我们将了解到,佛罗伦萨在电影中饰演一个富有家庭的私人助理,而且她逐渐接受这个家庭暴躁的脾气。
- 18. She recognized in him the well-to-do boor whom Angel had knocked down at the inn for addressing her coarsely.
- 苔丝认出他来了,他就是那个在酒店里对她说粗话被克莱尔打倒的有钱的村夫。
- 19. The well-to-do ladies are still going to shop for exclusive Christmas, birthday, or Valentine's day presents.
- 富有的女士们仍会去商店挑选昂贵的圣诞节、生日,以及情人节礼品。
- 20. But the defining passion of his life was Alma Schindler, the musical daughter of a well-to-do Viennese family.
- 但是他一生的挚爱是来自富裕的维也纳家庭的喜爱音乐的女儿——almaSchindler。
- 21. even among the well-to-do classes, strict bodily cleanliness does not always extend beyond the visible parts of the body.
- 即时在富有阶层当中,严厉的身体清洁也达不到身体暴露在外的部分。
- 22. Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation.
- 家境富裕的狗儿在主人上班的时候可以去狗儿托育中心。
- 23. The modern child of a well-to-do family nibbles at only half the things he gets; the greater part of his world is wasted on him.
- 今天家境富裕的孩子所获得的食物,多半没有被消化而给糟蹋掉了;他们世界的大部分都在他们身上浪费掉了。
- 24. The club is based on Ekkamai, a street in central Bangkok's Thong Lor district, which is popular with foreign revellers and well-to-do Thais.
- 俱乐部位于Ekkamai,曼谷市中心Thonglor区的一条街道上,外国狂欢者与富裕的泰国有钱人常去的地方。
- 25. "This scenario may be relevant for well-to-do families where one of the parents loses a job and the other still brings in enough money," he said.
- 这种局面可能适合那些双亲一方失业,另一方仍有足够收入的家庭。
- 26. Year after year, relatively well-to-do New Yorkers subsidize the poorer citizens of Mississippi through the federal system of taxes and disbursement.
- 通过联邦开支及其税收体系,更加富裕的纽约人年复一年的补贴较为贫穷的密西西比公民。
- 27. Year after year, relatively well-to-do New Yorkers subsidize the poorer citizens of Mississippi through the federal system of taxes and disbursement.
- 通过联邦开支及其税收体系,更加富裕的纽约人年复一年的补贴较为贫穷的密西西比公民。