- 1. A well-ordered society is regulated by conception of justice.
- 一个秩序良好的社会应该是由正义观念所支配的社会。
- 2. His answer is based on a redefinition of a "well-ordered society".
- 他的答案,基于对“良序社会”的重新定义。
- 3. He couldn't sleep at night, thinking about his well-ordered, 16-year career at Intel.
- 吴甘沙夜不成眠,思考着自己在英特尔那井然有序的十六载职业生涯。
- 4. Instead, he went back because he was a responsible little part of a well-ordered hierarchy.
- 然而,他返回是因为他是一个秩序整然的组织中一个负责任的小部件。
- 5. Administrative means follow instructions, so people demand a well-ordered transceiver method.
- 行政手段听从指令,所以人们需要一个秩序井然的收发器的方法。
- 6. Finally we prove that well-ordered set and real set both have ordered topological hereditary.
- 最后证明了良序集和实数集合具有序拓扑遗传性。
- 7. I believe Shakespeare wants to blazon forth a notion of disciplinary well-ordered and morality.
- 我认为莎士比亚想宣扬一种有纪律有秩序有道德的社会主张。
- 8. I believe Shakespeare wants to blazon forth a notion of disciplinary, well-ordered and morality.
- 我认为莎士比亚想宣扬一种有规律有秩序有品德的主张。
- 9. Promises, schedules, and estimates are necessary and important instruments in a well-ordered business.
- 在一家井然有序的公司里,承诺、时程表和评估,都是必要且重要的手段。
- 10. If these are well-ordered, then the heavenly bodies of extremely great size, revolve in their systematic orbits;
- 若是其秩然也、是以天体至大、而其周围运转之度、日月星辰逆顺疾徐之行。
- 11. They love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt.
- 他们热爱和平、安宁和肥沃的土地:整饬有序而又生机勃勃的田园是他们的最爱。
- 12. The city centre is a well-ordered place, with streets continually swept by an army of workers in fluorescent orange vests.
- 城市的中心是一个秩序井然的地方,街道由一群身着荧光橘红色环卫服的工人在不断清扫。
- 13. The city centre is a well-ordered place, with streets continually swept by an army of workers in fluorescent orange vests.
- 市中心秩序井然,街道定期扫除,一群身着带有荧光条的橘色背心的工人们组成为了扫除步队。
- 14. For this reason, the sight of the well-ordered, unbroken expanse of the city’s lights always brought me a great sense of relief.
- 正因为这个,每当看到竟然有序,连成一片的城市灯光总会带给我释然的感觉。
- 15. This persion not only stimulate domestic consumption, but also brought to the national well-ordered environment of the travel.
- 这样的分流既刺激了国内消费,同时也给国民带来了秩序良好的出游环境。
- 16. The characteristic results showed that the MCM-48 material possessed high specific surface areas and well-ordered channel systems.
- 结果表明,合成的MCM-48材料具有高的比表面积和高度有序的孔道系统。
- 17. In every well-ordered family one finds the father delighting in his children, and the children rejoicing in their father's presence.
- 在每一个正常的家庭里。你会发现父亲以他的儿女为乐,儿女也因着父亲的同在而欢喜。
- 18. The ornament sculpt of Bronze Drum has formed the style which answer for the aesthetic need thanks to the well-ordered, regular, poetic form.
- 铜鼓装饰造型以其秩序化、规律化、程式化、理想化的形式表达事物,形成了合乎人类审美需求的形态。
- 19. It is also shown that the aggregates of gelators have a well-ordered lamellar structure, self-comparability and typical fractal characteristic.
- 凝胶因子聚集体则是一种规则的片层结构,具有自相似性和分形特征。
- 20. And for many years, the company has been enjoying class AAA credit and honored to be provincial key backbone enterprise and well-ordered enterprise.
- 已连续多年被评为浙江省重点骨干企业、浙江省文明中位和浙江省AAA级资信企业。
- 21. Institution construction is the precondition and key of a well-ordered society, which comes to be a breakthrough of moral construction of contemporary China.
- 制度建设是当代中国道德建设的突破口,是形成良序社会的前提和关键,但制度本身存在着缺陷性。
- 22. The city is still very much as Jane Austen knew it, keeping in its streets and public buildings the well-ordered world that she described so well in her novels.
- 他们是一直住在巴斯的两个人,Northanger Abbey 和Persuasion。就象简奥斯汀所了解的那样,这个城市就如她在小说中所描述的那样街道有序、公共建筑井然。
- 23. With both low MPS concentration and suitable immersion time, a well-ordered and closely self-assembled MPS layers could be prepared on the hydroxylated surface.
- 较低的溶液浓度和适宜的反应时间有利于MPS分子在羟基化表面形成排列规则、结合紧密的自组装膜层。
- 24. A man's ability cannot possibly be of one sort and his soul of another. If his soul be well-ordered, serious and restrained, his ability also is sound and sober.
- 一个人的能力与心灵不可能不同调,如果他的心灵有条理、认真且严谨,他的能力也一定不错且明智。
- 25. All these revealed that the subtle balance between molecule-molecule interaction and molecule-substrate interaction results in the well-ordered monolayer organic film.
- 金属表面上有序单层有机薄膜的形成是分子-分子、分子-衬底之间作用力综合平衡的结果。
- 26. And it gets the conclusion that the market of our country's architectural decoration will last necessarily prosperous and the market management will have more well-ordered.
- 并得出我国当代的建筑装饰业的市场必将持续繁荣,市场管理更加有序的结论。
- 27. AIDS and mental illness for the well-ordered society and the public in terms of personal safety, have greater potential harm, is a special crowd management are two difficulties.
- 艾滋病与精神疾病对于社会良序和公众人身安全来讲,具有较大的潜在危害性,是特殊人群管理中的两个难点。
- 28. The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own States.
- 古代想要使天下人人都能发扬自己天赋的善良美德的人,必须先治理好自己的国家。
- 29. The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own States.
- 古代想要使天下人人都能发扬自己天赋的善良美德的人,必须先治理好自己的国家。