- 1. Defence was well-nigh impossible against such opponents.
- 遇到这样的对手几乎防不胜防。
- 2. Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.
- 找到一块颜色、尺寸和价格都符合你要求的毛毯几乎是不可能的。
- 3. After running seven miles or so, Pinocchio was well-nigh exhausted.
- 跑了七英里左右,皮诺乔几乎累坏了。
- 4. Hook had well-nigh forgotten his prisoners, but as he swung round on them now his face lit up again.
- 胡克几乎忘记了他的俘虏们,但当他转过身来看着他们的时候,他的脸上出现快乐的神情。
- 5. The whole assemblage was on its feet now, and well-nigh out of its mind with uneasiness, apprehension, and consuming excitement.
- 大家现在都站了起来,由于不安、焦急和极度兴奋,几乎都失去了理智。
- 6. It's going to be well-nigh impossible to keep your inner butterfly in her cocoon.
- 让你这样一直花蝴蝶安静的躲在蚕茧中貌似是不可能的了。
- 7. It's difficult or well-nigh impossible to systematically predict what's going to happen.
- 要系统性地预测未来会发生什么,是一件很难,甚至是几乎不可能的事。
- 8. How many a poor immortal soul have I met well-nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life.
- 我曾遇到过许多不朽的灵魂,他们几乎毁灭在生活的重压之下,在人生的道路上匍匐煎熬。
- 9. It is not easy to see how this house of mine can make to itself a Sunday quiet, for at all times it is well-nigh soundless;
- 看到我的这个房子在星期天怎样安静下来并不是件容易的事,它几乎一直都是无声的。
- 10. Most of the enormous value captured by land-owners exists because it is well-nigh impossible to build new offices to compete those profits away.
- 由于基本上无法建造新办公区获得这份利益,土地的大部分价值一直握在土地所有者手中。
- 11. Full of hope, Edmond swallowed a few mouthfuls of bread and water, and, thanks to the vigor of his constitution, found himself well-nigh recovered.
- 满怀着希望,爱德蒙吃了几口面包,喝了一点水,仗着自己良好的体质,他发觉自己已差不多完全恢复了。
- 12. The thought processes of Alex and Griffin may approximate our own a lot or a little, says Pepperberg, but it's getting well-nigh impossible to deny their intelligence.
- 亚历克斯和格里芬的思维过程可能会与我们自己的有很多或有一点接近,佩珀堡说,但要否认它们的智力几乎是不可能的。
- 13. Godric lets the stag in, but the hunting party follows the stag's tracks and cuts through "the well-nigh impenetrable brushwood of thorns and briars" to find St. Godric.
- 但是那伙猎人追随着公鹿的足迹,穿过茂密得几乎无法穿过的荆棘与野玫瑰丛林找到了圣·戈德里克。
- 14. Opening a new business in Greece is well nigh impossible; closing one is somewhat easier.
- 在希腊班新企业几乎不可能;关闭倒是多少简单一点。
- 15. And the distance between driving a used Hyundai Elantra and a new Jaguar XJ is well nigh undetectable compared with the difference between motoring and hiking through the muck.
- 和开车与徒步相比,开一辆二手现代伊兰特和一辆新美洲豹XJ的差距几乎难以察觉。
- 16. Jonathan Balcombe: Pleasure is a private experience, well nigh impossible to prove, though of course scientists don't like the word "prove."
- JonathanBalcom be:愉悦是一种个人的体验,是几乎不可能验证的,尽管科学家们并不喜欢“验证”这个词。
- 17. But in places where growth has been negative, notably Africa, it is well nigh impossible to eradicate slums. Even so, life for the urban poor can be improved.
- 在负增长地区,如较为显著的非洲,根除贫民区遥不可及,但即使如此,城市贫穷人口的生活依然能够做出改善。
- 18. Navigating the myriad providers of ocean temperatures, wind speeds, rates of deforestation and so on is well nigh impossible.
- 要想浏览这些关于海洋温度,风速,森林破坏率等等的无数信息是根本不可能的。
- 19. Many a time their foot had well nigh slipped; but he in mercy held them up.
- 多少时候他们的脚滑跌了;但是主用祂的慈爱扶他们起来。
- 20. Right? But he says, "You know what?" That is well nigh impossible.
- 对吗?,但他说,你知道吗,这近乎不可能。
- 21. It's well nigh impossible to convince him.
- 要说服他几乎不可能。
- 22. The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself.
- 表达一个想法的能力与这个想法本身的一样重要。
- 23. The potential for hydroelectricity is well nigh exhausted.
- 水电的潜力已接近用尽。
- 24. The potential for hydroelectricity is well nigh exhausted.
- 水电的潜力已接近用尽。