- 1. They were a very well-behaved crowd.
- 人群行为很得体。
- 2. Try to act like a well-behaved child.
- 试着表现得像个好孩子。
- 3. Raised in an intellectual family, he is always well-behaved.
- 他出生在一个知识分子家庭,总是彬彬有礼。
- 4. Think I tried so hard to make you a well-behaved Marionette!
- 想想看,我费了那么大的劲才把你变成一个规规矩矩的木偶!
- 5. Mom: Frankly, He is more well-behaved than you.
- 妈妈:说实话,他也比你表现得好啊。
- 6. Avoid common errors, and keep your four-legged Pal healthy and well-behaved.
- 我们要避开常见误区,让你的宠物朋友活泼健康。
- 7. Well-behaved software never assumes that a service is available at all times.
- 功能良好的软件绝不会假定某个服务永远可用。
- 8. Well-behaved applications provide enough information to process a document correctly.
- 行为良好的应用程序提供正确处理文档的充足信息。
- 9. If I don't say these words, the other people would think that I'm not a well-behaved person.
- 如果我不说这些话,其它人将认为我不是一个行为端正的人。
- 10. Even the passengers, accustomed to the chaos of the streets above, were well-behaved below ground.
- 甚至那些习惯于地面街道上混乱状态的乘客在地下也表现良好。
- 11. He simply checked off a score for himself, indicating how well-behaved he had been in the morning or afternoon.
- 他只是简单地给自己打个分数,以表明自己上午或下午表现得如何好。
- 12. Therefore, a well-behaved transparent proxy server will cause the WebSocket upgrade handshake to fail almost immediately.
- 因此,一个工作良好的透明代理服务器几乎会立刻引起WebSocekt升级握手失败。
- 13. You should also work with your appropriate application and functional teams to define what exactly a well-behaved system is.
- 还应该与相应的应用和功能团队协作确定运转良好的系统的精确定义。
- 14. If you're currently a well-conditioned, well-behaved employee, your most likely reaction to the above will be defensiveness.
- 假如你现在是个表现不错、工作业绩优秀的员工,那么你更有可能采取自我防御的态度去防卫我的观点。
- 15. It goes to show that even with her young this boar was no threat to me or my well-behaved dogs because I was no threat to her.
- 这也显示了即使是和它的幼崽在一起,野猪对我或者我表现善意的小狗都是没有威胁的,而我对她也是没有威胁的。
- 16. Transfer the latter to a convenient Windows host, and you'll find it executes just as any other well-behaved Windows application.
- 将后者转移到便利的Windows主机,您会发现它执行时就象任何其它行为良好的Windows应用程序。
- 17. But to make them work, to convert them into industrious and well-behaved members of the community, was far beyond any Governor's power.
- 而要想让他们从事劳动,在新社区里变成勤勉而行为端正的成员,更是远远超出了管理者的能力。
- 18. In my opinion, I think the most important part of raising well-behaved kids is spend one-on-one time with them doing things they enjoy.
- 在我看来,培育举止得体的孩子最重要的部分在于花一对一的时间与孩子们做他们喜欢的事。
- 19. Something that might have become apparent is that, for most well-behaved software, portability issues involve Makefiles, not actual program code.
- 对于大部分表现良好的软件来说,很明显,可移植性问题都是与Makefile有关的,而不会涉及真正的程序代码。
- 20. She wrote several e-mails thanking Ms. Moskowitz, saying she hoped that Matthew would someday be well-behaved enough to return to her "phenomenal" school.
- 她写了好几封邮件感谢Moskowitz女士,说她希望有一天Matthew能够品学兼优回到这所“非凡的”学校。
- 21. But let's suppose the correlations are due to causation: good parenting makes good kids, and day-care makes for very slightly smarter, but also slightly less well-behaved kids.
- 现在假定这种相关性是一种因果联系:父母好的教养造就优秀的孩子,日托中心造就相对聪明一点,但行为表现稍差的孩子。
- 22. Floating point and decimal Numbers are not nearly as well-behaved as integers, and you cannot assume that floating point calculations that "should" have integer or exact results actually do.
- 浮点数和小数不象整数一样“循规蹈矩”,不能假定浮点计算一定产生整型或精确的结果,虽然它们的确“应该”那样做。
- 23. The style purported to be "natural," "organic," a principled rejection of well-behaved, antiseptic, upwardly mobile middle-class habits in favor of a return to folk origins and lost traditions.
- 他们的风格,据称是“自然的”,“有机的”,原则上拒绝那种循规蹈矩、讲究卫生、追求上进的中产阶级习气,崇尚回归已经逝去了的民间传统。
- 24. Some of them spoke pleasantly and were well behaved, while others were impudent and insulting.
- 他们当中的一些人谈吐不俗、举止得体,而另一些人则行为不恭、傲慢无礼。
- 25. They should be well behaved.
- 他们应该表现得很好。
- 26. The audience was surprisingly well behaved.
- 观众令人出奇地守秩序。
- 27. The kids all behaved well.
- 孩子们都很规矩。
- 28. The kids all behaved well.
- 孩子们都很规矩。