- 1. Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess.
- 拉克尔·韦尔奇作为一位性感女神曾红极一时。
- 2. During her early modeling career, Raquel Welch quickly became known for her long chestnut hair and big brown eyes.
- 早在她的模特生涯中,拉奎尔·韦尔奇就因一头栗色长发和一双棕色大眼睛为人所知。
- 3. For instance, studies funded by Welch Foods—the brand behind Welch's 100% Grape Juice—found that drinking Concord grape juice daily may boost brain function.
- 例如,韦尔奇食品公司(韦尔奇100%葡萄汁背后的品牌)资助的一项研究发现,每天饮用康科德葡萄汁可以促进大脑功能。
- 4. On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch examined a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious disease mainly affecting children.
- 在那个月的20号,韦尔奇博士检查了一个生病的男孩比利,得知他患了白喉,一种主要影响儿童的致命传染性疾病。
- 5. Florence Welch looking like, well, Florence Welch.
- 弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇看起来就像,好吧,就像弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇。
- 6. Under Jack Welch before him, GE bought and sold hundreds of companies.
- 他的前任杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)更是买卖了数百家公司。
- 7. In her glory days she reminded some of Marilyn Monroe, others of Raquel Welch.
- 在她辉煌的那些日子,有些人从她身上看到了玛丽莲·梦露的影子,其它人则想起了拉蔻儿·薇芝。
- 8. The 'Jack Welch Taught me Everything I Know About Humility' Award to GE CEO Jeff immelt.
- “杰克·韦尔奇教我要谦虚”奖:通用电气(GE)首席执行长伊梅尔特(Jeff Immelt)。
- 9. TEN years ago Warren Buffett and Jack Welch were among the most admired businessmen in the world.
- 十年前沃伦·巴菲特和杰夫·韦尔奇是世界上最受人尊敬的经理人。
- 10. "We're preparing for a long fight," said David Welch, the lawyer representing Mr. Halbert's group.
- “我们准备做长期的战斗,”代表赫伯特群体的律师大卫·韦尔奇表示。
- 11. "We're preparing for a long fight, " said David Welch, the lawyer representing Mr. Halbert's group.
- “我们准备做长期的战斗,”代表赫伯特群体的律师大卫·韦尔奇表示。
- 12. John Welch, PlayFirst's boss, says sales of such items now account for 10% of the company's revenue.
- PlayFirst公司的老板约翰·韦尔奇说,销售这些物品所带来的收入占到了公司总收入的10%。
- 13. While jobs at Welch Allyn may not require a master's, the degree has been used as a sorting mechanism.
- 然而WelchAllyn 的工作可能不需要硕士学位,学位只是用作排序机制。
- 14. Microsoft's Bill Gates, IBM's Louis Gerstner and General Electric's Jack Welch may fit into that category.
- 微软的比尔盖茨,IBM的路易斯郭士纳,通用电器的杰克韦尔奇也许符合那一类。
- 15. Jack Welch tried to transform General Electric from a Goliath into a collection of entrepreneurial Davids.
- JackWelch努力使通用电气从一个哥利亚巨人转变成为一群具备创业精神的大卫的组合。
- 16. Kiley is a senior correspondent in BusinessWeek's Detroit bureau. Welch is BusinessWeek's Detroit bureau chief.
- Kiley是商业周刊底特律分部的高级记者,Welch是商业周刊底特律分布的负责人。
- 17. During her early modeling career Raquel Welch quickly became known for her long chestnut hair and big brown eyes.
- 早在她的模特生涯中拉奎尔·韦尔奇就因一头栗色长发和一双棕色大眼睛为人所知。
- 18. Jack Welch and A.G. Lafley, former bosses of GE and P&G, claimed that they spent 40% of their time on personnel.
- 通用电气的前老板,杰克威尔奇和A.G.Lafley声称,他们在人事方面要花费的40%时间。
- 19. Konosuke Matsushita, Jack Welch, once worshipped as idoles are now no fashion, replaced by Buffett, Soros, Li Ka Shing.
- 当年曾被视为偶像的松下幸之助、杰克·韦尔奇等实业家不再时髦,人们更津津乐道的是巴菲特、索罗斯和李嘉诚。
- 20. The “I love Jack” premium baked into the share price under Mr Immelt's celebrated predecessor, Jack Welch, has long gone.
- 像在伊梅尔特的著名前任杰克韦尔奇时代那样,随着股价上扬出现“我爱杰克”口号的事情早已远去。
- 21. His aides say GE's earnings growth and unerring ability to beat analysts' expectations under Mr Welch were unsustainable.
- 他的助理称,在韦尔奇先生治下,通用电气收入增长和一贯超过分析师预期的能力是难以持续的。
- 22. When General Electric's legendary boss, Jack Welch, first joined the firm, he worked in an office on Plastics Avenue.
- 当通用电气传奇领导人杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)加入公司时,他就首先是塑料业务部工作。
- 23. Or in business, Jack Welch versus Bill Marion totally different kinds of people, but great leaders, every one of them.
- 再或者在商场上,比较他们两个,他们的领导方式都不同,但每一个都是伟大的领导者。
- 24. Welch said Apple informed Intel that it better drastically slash its power consumption or would likely lose Apple's business.
- Welch说苹果告知英特尔如果不能大幅度降低能耗苹果将不会再与英特尔合作。
- 25. Mr. Welch said those who take time off for family could be passed over for promotions if 'you're not there in the clutch.'
- 韦尔奇说,那些为家庭暂时停止工作的人可能会在升迁时不予考虑,因为他们没有在岗位上。
- 26. Taking time off for family 'can offer a nice life,' Mr. Welch said, 'but the chances of going to the top on that path' are smaller.
- 韦尔奇说,为家庭暂时停止工作能带来美满的生活,不过在职场上升到高层的机会将变小。
- 27. Taking time off for family 'can offer a nice life, ' Mr. Welch said, 'but the chances of going to the top on that path' are smaller.
- 韦尔奇说,为家庭暂时停止工作能带来美满的生活,不过在职场上升到高层的机会将变小。
- 28. Taking time off for family 'can offer a nice life, ' Mr. Welch said, 'but the chances of going to the top on that path' are smaller.
- 韦尔奇说,为家庭暂时停止工作能带来美满的生活,不过在职场上升到高层的机会将变小。