- 1. The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.
- 盐碱地和淤泥滩吸引来大量水鸟。
- 2. Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl that depend on the mudflats.
- 米草属植物改造了沿海滩涂,将它们转变成了高海拔沼泽,变得不适合那些依赖滩涂的众多鱼类和水禽生存。
- 3. Most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistically on songbird nests, and removing these predators could directly increase songbird nesting success.
- 大多数水鸟的捕食者都有机会捕食鸣禽的巢穴,而消灭这些捕食者可以直接提高鸣禽筑巢的成功率。
- 4. Grassland songbirds often nest in the same grassland-wetland complexes as waterfowl, particularly in a certain part of those complexes, namely, upland habitats surrounding wetlands.
- 草原鸣禽经常在与水禽相同的草原湿地复合体中筑巢,特别是在这些复合体的某一部分,即湿地周围的高地栖息地。
- 5. Alternatively, small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels are important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest predators and can themselves be important predators of songbird nets.
- 另外,小型哺乳动物,如老鼠和地松鼠是许多水禽捕食者的重要食物,它们自己也可能是鸣禽网的重要捕食者。
- 6. Millions of waterfowl were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen.
- 数以百万计的水禽死于贩猎猎人以及少数野心勃勃的打猎爱好者之手。
- 7. Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the ever-increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowl habitat.
- 为了解决不断增长的人口的吃住需求,数百万英亩的湿地都被抽干,从而极大地减少了水禽的栖息地。
- 8. Under this Act, all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.
- 根据这项法案,所有16周岁及以上的水禽狩猎者必须每年购买并持有一枚联邦鸭票。
- 9. In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.
- 1934年,随着《候鸟狩猎印花税法案》的通过,为阻止对迁徙的水禽以及对水禽生存至关重要的湿地的破坏,一个日益感到担忧的国家(指美国)采取了坚决的行动。
- 10. Removing waterfowl-nest predators could affect songbird nesting success through subsequent increases in small-mammal populations.
- 清除水禽巢捕食者可能会通过随后小哺乳动物数量的增加影响鸣禽筑巢的成功。
- 11. In 1995 and 1996, researchers trapped and removed certain waterfowl-nest predators, primary raccoons and striped skunks, then observed subsequent survival rates for songbird nests.
- 在1995年和1996年,研究人员捕获并清除了特定的水禽巢穴捕食者,主要是浣熊和条纹臭鼬,然后观察了鸣禽巢穴随后的存活率。
- 12. All kinds of waterfowl abound.
- 此外还有其它各式各样的水禽。
- 13. Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake.
- 成千上万的水鸟在湖边繁衍后代。
- 14. Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake and live off the fish.
- 数以千计的水鸟在湖边繁殖,靠鱼为食来生活。
- 15. Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake and live off the fish.
- 数以千计的水鸟在湖边繁殖,靠鱼来生活。
- 16. There are also wild bird species and waterfowl, plus the Open Air Theatre.
- 这里还有野生鸟类和水禽,再加上一个露天剧场。
- 17. Wild waterfowl have been known for some time to be the natural reservoir of all influenza a viruses.
- 一段时间以来,已知野水禽是所有A型流感病毒的自然宿主。
- 18. Waterfowl are considered as the important host of influenza a viruses, especially domestic ducks.
- 水禽被认为是流感病毒的重要宿主,尤其是家鸭。
- 19. Providing the best waterfowl habitat, bulrushes are uniformly planted in the emergent marsh areas.
- 提供最佳水禽栖息地,都是清一色的芦苇沼泽地区种植的急诊。
- 20. Here bulrushes filter and treat waste products added by waterfowl and algal production in the deep pool.
- 这里的芦苇过滤和对待废品、藻类产量增加了水禽深池。
- 21. But in front of us, the Rhine's water is clear, from time to time waterfowl from the water wings and flew.
- 但是,在我们的面前,莱茵河的水质清澈,不时从水中翅膀水禽和飞行。
- 22. This finding long suggested that wild waterfowl are not agents for the onward transmission of these viruses.
- 这一发现长期以来表明,野生水禽不是传播这些病毒的媒介。
- 23. Not only did it succeed in selling more waterfowl, but it has become one of Long Island's leading landmarks.
- 它不仅成功地销售更多的水禽,但它已成为长岛领先的标志之一。
- 24. This finding long suggested that wild waterfowl are not agents for the onward transmission of these viruses.
- 这一发现提示野生水鸟并非是病毒传播给禽类的直接宿主。
- 25. Wild birds, particularly waterfowl, are a key element of the viral ecology of low pathogenic avian influenza.
- 野生鸟类,特别是水鸟是低致病性禽流感病毒生态学的关键因素。
- 26. Weighing up to30pounds with a wingspan approaching2.5metres the trumpeter is the largest waterfowl in the world.
- 这种野天鹅体重30磅,翼展近2。5米,是世界上最大的水禽。
- 27. Outbreaks in both countries have been attributed to contact between domestic birds and wild waterfowl via Shared water sources.
- 在这两个国家发生的暴发是由家禽和野水禽之间通过共同水源接触造成的。
- 28. Part of the vast central court is a turquoise reflecting pool which has no water, but is filled with frogs and graceful waterfowl.
- 宽敞的中庭有一潭没有水的碧绿池子,里面满是青蛙和珍奇水鸟。
- 29. Part of the vast central court is a turquoise reflecting pool which has no water, but is filled with frogs and graceful waterfowl.
- 宽敞的中庭有一潭没有水的碧绿池子,里面满是青蛙和珍奇水鸟。