- 1. Richards barked into a walkie-talkie.
- 理查兹对着步话机大吼一声。
- 2. Vibrating Alert, Games, Long Standby Time, Walkie-talkie!
- 振动提示,游戏,待机时间长,步话机!
- 3. The ranger pressed a button and placed the walkie-talkie back on his belt.
- 护林员按下一个按钮,把步话机放回他的腰带。
- 4. Then he used his walkie-talkie to radio headquarters for reinforcements.
- 然后,他又用无线电报话机向总部请求支援。
- 5. Jack grabs the dead man's walkie-talkie and takes Teri and Kim to the water tower.
- 杰克取走了死去这个的步话机,带着泰瑞和金姆向水塔处行进。
- 6. C.O. Patterson rushes in with a walkie-talkie, the Sheriff is looking for Bellick.
- 狱警Patterson拿着一部对讲机匆匆走近他,警长要与他通话。
- 7. Have you determined whichever you have to buy, a Nokia walkie-talkie or a Motorola cell phone?
- 你决定好买诺基亚无线话机呢还得买摩托罗拉手机?
- 8. T. watch, a baton, walkie-talkie, a whistle, and a badge with a clip and an identification card.
- 手表、一根指挥棒、步话机、一个口哨,以及一个带夹子和鉴定卡的征章。
- 9. He tells Pope they can find Bellick under the guards' room, and then knocks him unconscious with the walkie-talkie.
- 他告诉Pope,他们可以在警卫室底下找到Bellick,然后他用对讲机将Pope打昏了过去。
- 10. It's like when you talk on a walkie-talkie; you shout to maximize the chance that what your message gets received over all the noise.
- 就好像用步话机通话时,我们通过喊话以最大程度保证要传达的消息能盖过一切杂声被接收到。
- 11. More than 30 kilometers away from the company location, a soldier on the patrol was reporting to his commander with a walkie-talkie.
- 离连队30多公里的巡逻路上,战士正在手持对讲机,向连队汇报值勤情况。
- 12. The Walkie-Talkie building, work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014, is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group.
- 一月开工、定于2014年完工的“步话机”大厦就是与金丝雀码头集团(Canary Wharf Group)的合作项目。
- 13. He regarded himself as the last of the old time coppers. No patrol car for him. Only his walkie-talkie radio set and his well-worn feet.
- 他认为自己是“最后一个旧时代的警察不用巡逻车,陪伴他的只是一部步话机和自己那疲惫的脚。”
- 14. Some people may be afraid to leave the kids sleeping, but you can probably hear more through this walkie-talkie than a parent who's watching TV downstairs.
- 当小家伙睡着时,一些人可能害怕离开他们,但与在楼下看电视的父母相比,你可以通过对讲机听到更多。
- 15. Because my fellow policeman at the previous crossroad has called me by walkie-talkie that you drove across the stop line just now when the red traffic light was on.
- 因为在前一个十字路口的同事通过步话机告诉我,红灯亮时,您超越了停车线。
- 16. Entropy, little sweet, is just a word which means the amount of running-down of the universe. Everything runs down, you know, like your little walkie-talkie robot, remember?
- 小宝贝,熵,就是一个代表着宇宙消耗掉了多少的词。什么东西都会消耗,知道吗,就像你那个会走路会说话的小机器人,记得吧?
- 17. Uniform: Black suit, black shirt, black tie, black leather belt, black cotton socks and black leather shoes. According to the store requirement to equip and use walkie-talkie.
- 着装及装备:黑色西服和衬衣,黑色领带、黑色皮腰带、黑色袜子和皮鞋。根据店方要求携带并使用对讲机。
- 18. It shall be equipped with all life saving devices like life jackets adequate fire protection arrangements and shall posses communication facilities like cellular phones wireless walkie-talkie.
- 船舶应装备救生衣、充足防火设备等所有救生装置,以及移动电话、无线电、步话机等通讯设施。
- 19. Reporters saw yesterday took to plow the water bridge, the bridge closure at both ends of the room there is a 2-meter-wide gap. 4 pm, the staff with walkie-talkie shouting: "Start closing! ""
- 记者昨日走上耒水大桥看到,合龙处两端桥梁间有一条2米宽的空隙。下午4点,工作人员用对讲机呼喊:“开始合龙!”
- 20. His walkie talkie hisses, a voice at the other end asks for his location.
- 他的对讲机发出嘶嘶声,通话的另一方询问他的位置。
- 21. Vibrating alert , games , long standby time , walkie - talkie.
- 振动提示,游戏,待机时间长,步话机。
- 22. Vibrating alert , games , long standby time , walkie - talkie.
- 振动提示,游戏,待机时间长,步话机。