- 1. The room was decorated with pictures of vaudeville celebrities.
- 这个房间有轻歌舞剧明星的照片装饰。
- 2. Tell her you're abdul abdullah who used to be a mind reader in vaudeville.
- 告诉她你是阿布·阿度拉,常常在杂技团表演读心术。
- 3. For the next fifteen years she sang and danced in both Broadway and vaudeville shows.
- 在此后的十五年中,她分别在百老汇和歌舞杂耍中演出。
- 4. Vaudeville was a theatrical show with several entertainers performing songs, dances and jokes.
- 所谓歌舞杂耍,是有多种艺术形式并存的演出形式,如有唱歌、跳舞,还有讲笑话。
- 5. Along with their two brothers, they performed in stage shows called vaudeville in New York.
- 和其他两个兄弟一起,他们在纽约表演被叫做歌舞杂耍的舞台秀。
- 6. By nineteen-oh-seven she was part of a national vaudeville tour that performed across the country.
- 到1907年,她已经是在全国巡回演出的歌舞杂耍演出团的一名演员。
- 7. Vaudeville or musical entertainment presented between the ACTS of a burlesque or minstrel show.
- 音乐节目,综艺节目,杂耍在滑稽剧或滑稽说唱团演出的幕间表演的杂耍和音乐娱乐节目。
- 8. In 1925 Burns met the vaudeville actress Grace (Gracie) Allen, whom he married the following year.
- 1925年,伯恩斯邂逅另一位轻喜剧女演员格雷斯(格雷西)-艾伦,于次年结婚。
- 9. While in school, Benny got a job as a violin player with the Barrison Theater, the local vaudeville house.
- 学生时代,本尼得到了一份在巴里逊剧院(当地的歌舞杂技团)做小提琴手的工作。
- 10. With its mix of vaudeville slapstick and Kafka-like anxiety, the novel is unlike anything that came before.
- 这部小说融合了歌舞杂耍、打闹剧及卡夫卡式的焦虑,可谓“前无古人”。
- 11. According to the magazine, she developed her curves doing acrobatic vaudeville and "likes diamonds, rare beefsteaks, and racehorses."
- “她将自己的曲线弯曲的如同杂技演员一般”,《时代周刊》这样写道,“如同钻石,如同难得的小牛排,如同赛马一般”。
- 12. Today people may remember brown's name or that she was british or that her doctors steptoe and edwards sounded vaguely like a vaudeville act.
- 时至今日,或许有人还记得布朗这个名字、她是个英国人,还有她医生的名字:斯特普托及爱德华斯,但这些就像是听过的一幕轻歌剧那般不真切。
- 13. The musical grew as two streams converged: operetta with its old-world romance, and vaudeville with its zippy comedy and thoroughly popular roots.
- 音乐剧的成长伴随着两种潮流的融合,带有古典传奇色彩的轻歌剧以及带有活泼喜剧和流行节奏特色的轻音乐戏剧。
- 14. Amy Chua lives in New Haven, Conn., in an imposing mock-Tudor mansion - complete with gargoyles - that was built in the 1920s for a vaudeville impresario.
- 蔡美儿住在康涅狄格州的纽海文,一幢宏伟的仿都铎式宅邸—还有滴水兽—是1920年代为一个轻歌剧经理盖的。
- 15. Target girl is a term sometimes used in circus and vaudeville to denote a female assistant in "impalement" acts such as knife throwing, archery or sharpshooting.
- 标靶女郎是有时用于马戏团和杂耍的一个词语,指的是在飞刀,射箭或飞镖之类“飞刺”节目中的女助手。
- 16. A case might be made for the blackface minstrel show vaudeville or for the entertainments of some medicine shows camivals and riverboats as american folk drama.
- 滑稽说唱团演出、杂耍演出,或一些娱乐性的药品巡回演出、表演会与内河游艺船等,均可作为美国民间戏剧的例证。
- 17. Near Grantaire, an almost silent table, a sheet of paper, an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy, announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out.
- 紧靠着格朗泰尔的,是一张几乎冷冷清清的桌子、一张纸、一瓶墨水和一支笔,放在两个小酒杯中间,宣告着一个闹剧剧本正在酝酿。
- 18. 'it's not that. It's just that if you had told me you wanted to come to the Vaudeville this evening, I could have sent you tickets for a box every bit as well as he could.
- 没有的事,不过如果您早跟我讲今天晚上想到歌舞剧院来,我也会像他一样把这个包厢的票子给您送来的。
- 19. He attributed this to the accident of their first public appearance together in vaudeville: "the audience laughed at her questions instead of my answers," he later explained.
- 他认为这纯属偶然,起因于他俩在对口轻喜剧中第一次公开亮相。后来他解释道:“观众是听了她的提问而并非听了我的回答而发笑的。”
- 20. Mr. Anderson, a former magazine publisher, took over the TED conference from its founder, Richard Saul Wurman, a graphic designer who presided over the stage like a vaudeville showman.
- 之前曾是杂志出版商的安德森先生从做过图形设计师的理查德索尔威曼(TED的创始人)手中接手了这个庆典。 那时候理查德主持庆典的时候就像一个综艺节目主持人。
- 21. The popularity of one reelers shown between live vaudeville acts had grown so quickly that by 1908, there were already 10,000 nickelodeons throughout the country desperate for product.
- 到了1908年,在现场歌舞秀之间放映的电影短片的欢迎度已经增长的如此迅速,已有一万个遍布全国的五分钱戏院急切的需要作品。
- 22. It was the Vaudeville star Marie Dressler who first urged the San Francisco born Marion to "jump into the movies" and the director Lois Weber took Marion under her wing as a protege in 1914.
- 歌舞剧明星玛丽·杜丝勒第一个敦促旧金山出生的马里昂“纵身投入电影”,1914年导演路易斯·韦伯将马里昂纳入翼下作为她的弟子。
- 23. It was the Vaudeville star Marie Dressler who first urged the San Francisco born Marion to "jump into the movies" and the director Lois Weber took Marion under her wing as a protege in 1914.
- 歌舞剧明星玛丽·杜丝勒第一个敦促旧金山出生的马里昂“纵身投入电影”,1914年导演路易斯·韦伯将马里昂纳入翼下作为她的弟子。