- 1. If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.
- 如果你仅仅是试图表现一般程度的尊严,你就会被看作是傲慢自大的。
- 2. That might prevent workers from getting too uppity.
- 这也许能防止工人们变得过于放肆。
- 3. Men hate an "uppity" woman; they also hate an "aggressive" woman.
- 男办们不喜欢“傲慢的女人”,也不喜欢“敢作敢为的”女人。
- 4. At the same time, Japanese institutional investors are getting uppity.
- 同时日本机构投资者变得越来越不留情面。
- 5. Even good publicity could make a banker uppity, disloyal and limelight-seeking.
- 即便是好的知名度也会让一个银行家变的傲慢,狡诈和虚荣。
- 6. Where his uppity energy once inspired the country’s voters, today it seems merely to annoy.
- 他那曾经盛气凌人的傲气曾经激励着该国的投票者,如今那看起来令人反感。
- 7. As long as you keep her as a casual girlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walk away, free and clear.
- 只要你始终把她作为一个女朋友而不是妻子。如果她变得傲慢和不可理喻,之完全可以简单的走开。
- 8. Men hate an"uppity" woman; they also hate an"aggressive" woman. Ours has been a Jane Crow society for several thousands of years.
- 男人们不喜欢〞傲慢的女人〞,也不喜欢〞敢作敢为的〞女人。我们的社会几千年来就是一个歧视妇女的社会。
- 9. "In the eyes of the liberal media", said Mr Bozell, "Herman Cain is just another uppity black American who has had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation."
- 鲍泽尔先生说:“在自由媒体的眼中,赫尔曼·凯恩只是另一个自负的美国黑人,竟敢离开自由种植园。”
- 10. "In the eyes of the liberal media", said Mr Bozell, "Herman Cain is just another uppity black American who has had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation.
- “在自由媒体的眼中”,Mr Bozell说道,“赫尔曼该隐只是另一个毫无畏惧的离开种植园的傲慢美国黑人。
- 11. To paraphrase an old adage, what is fare for the US goose must be fare for the Chinese gander , even if the goose believes that the gander is becoming a little uppity.
- 我们可以将一句古老的格言重新表述一下:美国鹅能吃的食物也一定适合中国鹅,即便美国鹅认为中国鹅正变得有点桀骜不驯。
- 12. To paraphrase an old adage, what is fare for the US goose must be fare for the Chinese gander , even if the goose believes that the gander is becoming a little uppity.
- 我们可以将一句古老的格言重新表述一下:美国鹅能吃的食物也一定适合中国鹅,即便美国鹅认为中国鹅正变得有点桀骜不驯。