- 1. It is still not clear who was behind Sunday's attempt to unseat the president.
- 仍不知道星期天发生的企图夺取总统权力的幕后主使是谁。
- 2. Once firms become technology leaders it is harder unseat them.
- 一旦公司成为技术的引领人物,想就革除很难了。
- 3. He will desperately want the new plan to succeed, not least because its failure could unseat him.
- 他非常渴望该项计划能够成功,不仅仅因为如果失败的话,他很可能丢失财长一职。
- 4. It is also hard to say how much would change should he, despite everything, manage to unseat Mr Blatter.
- 也很难讲如果,不管怎样,他成功把布拉特赶下台,到底会有多少变化发生。
- 5. Copycat strategy or not, it doesn't look like Apple is going to unseat the new king of smartphones any time soon.
- 是否采取模仿策略,看起来苹果在对短时间内剥夺智能手机界新霸主地位不感兴趣。
- 6. This form is to tell you: make life cut, dare to unseat the emperor, not only dare to pull down, and killed him!
- 这种形式就是告诉你:舍得一生剐,敢把皇帝拉下马,不仅敢拉下,还要打死他!
- 7. Now the world's second-largest market for luxury brands, China could unseat Japan for the top spot within a few years.
- 现在中国是全球第二大奢侈品市场,并可能在未来几年就将现在排名第一的日本市场拉下马。
- 8. He won the New York and California primaries, but the victories were too little and came too late to unseat Mr. Carter.
- 他赢得了纽约和加利福尼亚的预选,但这些胜利过于微小,也来得太晚,已无法将卡特拉下马来。
- 9. These technologies aim to unseat Google by having both better technology and better UI and focusing on a specific vertical.
- 这些网站是想通过更好的技术、更好的UI以及专注于某一特定的垂直领域来超越Google。
- 10. After complimenting me on the speech, he said he knew I had worked for Senator Fulbright and thought he shouldn't be trying to unseat him.
- 他先是对我的演讲恭维了几句,然后就说他知道我曾经在富布赖特参议员手下干过,他觉得他自己不应该与富布赖特争夺参议员的席位。
- 11. That Berti Vogts had awarded Klinsmann the national captaincy did not help, as the deposed skipper accused his successor of plotting to unseat him.
- 贝尔蒂·福格茨曾授予克林斯曼国家队队长一职也毫无帮助,因为前任队长指责是他的继任者策划了他的下台。
- 12. Mr Tusk wants to unseat Mr Kaczynski as part of a long-term plan to break up Law and Justice and absorb bits of it into his own Civic Platform party.
- Tusk想通过Kaczynski的下台作为他长期计划的一部份,以此来瓦解法律与公正党,并吸取他们的力量加入自己的公民纲领党。
- 13. Just as the Tigers won the 2005 election for Mr Rajapaksa, by enforcing a boycott of the polls in areas they controlled, so Tamil voters could now unseat him.
- 2005年,塔米尔选民在其控制的区域实行强制性的选举抵制,帮助猛虎组织赢得了Rajapaksa的竞选,现在他们可以像当时一样再把他赶下台。
- 14. Many applications require gate, globe and stop-check valves to use gearing to reduce the hand wheel rimpull and thus allow one man to manually seat or unseat the valve.
- 许多实际应用要求闸阀、截止阀和截止止回阀采用齿轮装置来降低手轮的边缘拉力,使得靠一个人的力量就可以启闭阀门。
- 15. The company owners have fallen for her charm and image, but I am wondering if there is anything I can do to unseat her and bring on an early departure before she ruins the company.
- 公司所有者被她的魅力和形象折服,但我想知道能否做点什么让她下台,在她未对公司造成伤害之前让她早些离开。
- 16. The doctrine of the mean can not save a well-Han Army , the team of my home , I lack the Pashui aggressive and more willing to lack of a cut , to dare to unseat the emperor's spirit.
- 四平八稳的中庸之道救不了汉军,这支队伍缺乏我的主场我怕谁的霸气,更缺乏舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马的气概。
- 17. The doctrine of the mean can not save a well-Han Army , the team of my home , I lack the Pashui aggressive and more willing to lack of a cut , to dare to unseat the emperor's spirit.
- 四平八稳的中庸之道救不了汉军,这支队伍缺乏我的主场我怕谁的霸气,更缺乏舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马的气概。