- 1. It would be tragic if her talent remained unrecognized.
- 若她一直怀才不遇,那就可悲了。
- 2. Hard work and talent so often go unrecognized and unrewarded.
- 勤奋和天赋很容易不被认可也得不到奖励。
- 3. There is the possibility that hypothermia can go unrecognized.
- 体温过低有可能不会被注意到。
- 4. The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized.
- 工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。
- 5. The politician's face had appeared on too many news programmes for him to go unrecognized.
- 这个政治家在新闻节目中出现了太多次,没有人不认识他。
- 6. The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing.
- 然而,体育运动的趋势可能正在模糊一个未被意识到的事实:美国人普遍已经停止了生长。
- 7. The same effects of inbreeding may have occurred in controlled cattle populations, with some additional, and perhaps unrecognized, advantages.
- 近亲繁殖在有限的一部分牛群中可能会有同样的效果,同时它还有其他一些也许还未被认识到的优点。
- 8. This restraint largely explains her lack of popular success during her lifetime, even if her talent did not go completely unrecognized by her eighteenth-century French contemporaries.
- 这种克制很大程度上解释了她在一生中缺乏普遍意义上的成功的原因,尽管她的才华并没有完全被18世纪的同时代法国人所忽视。
- 9. To remain unsoured even though one’s merits are unrecognized by others, is that not, after all, that is expected of a gentleman?
- 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?
- 10. But what is unconscious, unrecognized pain?
- 但什么是无意识的、未曾被认识到的痛苦呢?
- 11. An unrecognized method was used to archive this file.
- 使用无法识别的方法来存档此文件。
- 12. If an unrecognized option is found, then optname will contain a?
- 如果发现不能识别的选项,则optname将包含一个?
- 13. The language they spoke was unrecognized and they ate only bean pods.
- 他们说的语言尚未被辨识,而且他们只吃豆荚。
- 14. The environment has a large, yet unrecognized, effect on our behavior.
- 环境会给我们的行为带来潜移默化的影响。
- 15. The fact that my genius goes unrecognized saddens me, but no longer surprises.
- 天赋得不到承认使我沮丧,但也使我不再大惊小怪。
- 16. The damage of plant parasitic nematodes to soybeans is generally unrecognized.
- 植物寄生线虫对大豆的危害还未受到普遍重视。
- 17. Note that there is a "catch-all" that includes Other and any unrecognized types.
- 注意还有一种“全部包含”,其中有Other和未识别类型。
- 18. That, say researchers is one of the reasons male binge eating is largely unrecognized.
- 研究人员说,这是大部分男性暴食症患者都无法被发现的一个原因。
- 19. With the problem continuing to be unrecognized and neglected, guidance is sorely needed.
- 鉴于这个问题现在依然未被认识并被忽视,因而十分需要给与指导。
- 20. They spoke an unrecognized language and refused to eat anything other than pitch from bean pods.
- 他们说着一种不为人知的语言,拒绝吃任何食物除了豆荚的豆子。
- 21. The most common reason in a development environment is that a parameter is missing or unrecognized.
- 开发环境中最常见的原因是,缺少参数或出现不能识别的参数。
- 22. However, I believe that an as-yet-unrecognized crash has occurred (and it still may be continuing).
- 不过,我相信这个还没发生的崩溃已经发生了(还可能在继续)。
- 23. Malnutrition contributes substantially to childhood disease and death but often goes unrecognized as such.
- 营养不良大大加剧了儿童疾期病和死亡,但这往往得不到承认。
- 24. HATS is shipped with a default rendering set that will be applied to any "unrecognized" screen in your HATS application.
- HATS本身带有一个缺省的呈现集,后者可以应用于HATS应用程序中任意一个“未经识别”的屏幕。
- 25. The expression_r of a wish, need or motivation, particularly when it is unrecognized or unconscious, in overt behaviour.
- 一种愿望、需求、动力特别是在无意识下,通过外显的行为表达出来。
- 26. Without a first line of defense--innate immunity--mammals would succumb to pathogens still unrecognized by B and T cells.
- 失去一线防御——非特异性免疫——哺乳动物就只好屈服于那些尚未被B细胞和T细胞所识别的病原体了。
- 27. Like vitamins and minerals, microRNA may represent a previously unrecognized type of functional molecule obtained from food.
- 就像维生素和矿物质,MicroRNA可能会是一种以前未辨认出的从食物中摄取的功能性分子。
- 28. After entering the CICS application screens, though, you want HATS to apply the CICS-renderingset to any unrecognized screen.
- 不过,在进入了CICS应用程序屏幕之后,您希望让HATS将CICS -renderingset应用于所有未识别的屏幕。
- 29. Often symptoms in infected inpiduals are mild and the infection may go unrecognized, or be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue occurs.
- 由于感染后通常只有轻微症状,可能难以识别感染,在登革热流行地区也会被误诊。
- 30. Often symptoms in infected inpiduals are mild and the infection may go unrecognized, or be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue occurs.
- 由于感染后通常只有轻微症状,可能难以识别感染,在登革热流行地区也会被误诊。