- 1. Long after the kids had gone home, I noticed he'd forgotten to unfriend us.
- 但在孩子们回家很久之后,我发现他忘了解除和我的好友关系了。
- 2. She said site managers now are considering making "unfriend" the official term.
- 她说现在网站管理员正考虑将“unfriend”作为正式词汇。
- 3. To unfriend is drastic, used only in the direst of circumstances-like a bad breakup.
- 解除好友关系是很严重的事情,只有在类似分手这种情况下才会使用。
- 4. But with more than 1, 500 friends (at the peak), it would take all year to unfriend everyone.
- 但是拥有1500个朋友(最高峰的时候),这需要花一整年的时间去删掉所有人。
- 5. Unfriend was defined as a verb that means to remove someone as a "friend" on a social networking side such as Facebook.
- Unfriend被定义为一个动词,意为在Facebook等社交网站上与某人解除好友关系。
- 6. Chief among the issues of dispute: whether "unfriend" or "defriend" was the proper word for weeding someone from one's online circle.
- 争论最多的,要数正确表达在网络社交圈里删除某人这一行为的,究竟是“unfriend”还是“defriend”。
- 7. And, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, "Unfriend" beat out a tech-heavy field to take the honor of the word of the year.
- 此外,根据新牛津美国词典,它是单词的一年。 「Unfriend」击败了以科技为主的字词,荣登年度风云字汇榜首。
- 8. "Unfriend" has been named the word of the year by the New Oxford American Dictionary, chosen from a list of finalists with a tech-savvy bent.
- 日前,unfriend一词从众多技术词汇中脱颖而出,被《新牛津美语辞典》评为2009年度潮词。
- 9. Twitter was the top word of in the Global Language Monitor's survey, and unfriend was the New Oxford American Dictionary's 2009 Word of the year.
- Twitter在全球语言监测(Global LanguageMonitor)调查中排名第一,取消好友(unfriend)被新牛津美语词典评为2009年度单词。
- 10. Twitter was the top word of in the Global Language Monitor's survey, and unfriend was the New Oxford American Dictionary's 2009 Word of the year.
- Twitter在全球语言监测(Global LanguageMonitor)调查中排名第一,取消好友(unfriend)被新牛津美语词典评为2009年度单词。