- 1. My literary agent thinks it is not unreasonable to expect $500,000 in total.
- 我的文学经纪人认为预期总共50万美元并非不合情理。
- 2. Maybe it's an unreasonable fear.
- 也许这是一种不合理的恐惧。
- 3. Citizens still have a right to expect private documents to remain private and protected by the Constitution's prohibition on unreasonable searches.
- 公民仍然有权要求私人文件保持私密性,并受到宪法的保护,免受不合理的搜查。
- 4. A spokesman for one of the big tobacco companies called the legislation totally unreasonable and he said the process had become wholly politicized.
- 一家大烟草公司的发言人称该立法完全不合理,并称整个过程已经完全政治化。
- 5. The 83% of American employees who are stressed about their jobs—up from 73% just a year before—say that poor compensation and an unreasonable workload are their number-one sources of stress.
- 83%的美国员工因工作而倍感压力,而一年前这一比例为73%。他们表示,微薄的薪酬和不合理的工作量是他们最大的压力来源。
- 6. The fees they charge are not unreasonable.
- 他们的收费还算合理。
- 7. He was being totally unreasonable about it.
- 他在这件事上蛮不讲理。
- 8. He is a possessive, duplicitous, and unreasonable man.
- 他是一个占有欲强,奸诈而又不讲理的男人。
- 9. You know as well as I do that you're being unreasonable.
- 其实你完全明白你是在故意胡搅蛮缠。
- 10. The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time.
- 他的闲暇时间开始被工作过分地侵占了。
- 11. It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice.
- 要求人家随传随到,太不近人情了吧。
- 12. It was her unreasonable behaviour with a Texan playboy which broke up her marriage.
- 她和一个得克萨斯的花花公子的不明智行为导致了她的婚姻破裂。
- 13. The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal two weeks ago.
- 罢工者两周前拒绝接受协议,他们的要求变得不合理。
- 14. The only thing he was afraid of in his life was the parrot. This bird seemed to have an unreasonable urge to peck him to death.
- 他这一辈子唯一害怕的就是鹦鹉。这种鸟似乎有一种难以理喻的冲动要啄死他。
- 15. Sometimes they even bear an unreasonable hatred for a child, because they believe that the child has brought the family bad luck.
- 有时他们甚至对孩子怀有不可理喻的仇恨,因为他们认为孩子给家庭带来了坏运气。
- 16. It might seem unreasonable that expectations about possible events can drive prices up, but consider the situation of people in a lifeboat on the open ocean.
- 对可能发生事件的预测会驱使价格上涨看起来很不切实际,但考虑下在宽阔的海洋上,人们在救生艇中这样一个情况。
- 17. No language is perfect, and if we admit this truth, we must also admit that it is not unreasonable to investigate the relative merits of different languages or of different details in languages.
- 没有一种语言是完美的,如果我们承认这一点,我们也必须承认,研究不同语言或语言中不同细节的相对优点并不是没有道理的。
- 18. This affair is unreasonable.
- 这事不合理。
- 19. It would be unreasonable for you to pay out of your own pockets.
- 要你们自己掏钱就不像话了。
- 20. All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable.
- 因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。
- 21. No sands are allowed to be rubbed into the eye.; be offensive to the eye about unreasonable thing;
- 眼里揉不下沙子
- 22. The price is unreasonable.
- 这价格高得不合理。
- 23. The price is unreasonable。
- 这价格高得不合理。
- 24. Not an unreasonable thing to think.
- 并非不合理。
- 25. Isn't that unreasonable?
- 这是不是有点不合理啊?
- 26. That is not unreasonable.
- 这也不是无理取闹。
- 27. I'm not unreasonable.
- 这并不是不可理喻的。
- 28. That's not unreasonable, is it? Good.
- 这并不无理吧,好了。
- 29. Andy: The boss is being unreasonable!
- 安迪:老板太不讲理了!
- 30. Andy: The boss is being unreasonable!
- 安迪:老板太不讲理了!