- 1. Much of his writing remains unpublished.
- 他的许多作品仍未发表。
- 2. All his unpublished writing should be destroyed unread.
- 他所有未出版的作品都应该在还没有人读过之前销毁。
- 3. After her death, her papers – including unpublished articles and correspondence – were deposited at the library.
- 她死后,她的资料–包括未发表的文章和信函–都被存放在图书馆里。
- 4. The library houses lots of unpublished documents that are relevant to your topic.
- 图书馆藏有许多未出版的文件资料,都和你的课题有关。
- 5. He serves as something like a complicated double for the young, unpublished, and as of yet unproductive poet himself.
- 他就像一个复杂的替身,是那些年轻的,还没出版诗歌或是不多产的诗人自己的替身。
- 6. She's not intimidated at all and she criticizes me in exactly the same way she did when I was first unpublished and I was starting.
- 她一点也不害怕,她批评我的方式和我刚出书的时候一模一样。
- 7. She is not intimidated at all, and she criticises me in exactly the same way she did when I was first unpublished and I was starting.
- 她完全没有被吓到,她批评我的方式和我刚开始创作且从没发表过作品的时候一模一样。
- 8. Be sure you include a good reference section where all your published and unpublished data came from, because you have a lot of unpublished climate data.
- 你需要将发布过的和没有发布过的数据所来源的文献参考纳入其中,因为你有很多未公开过的气候数据。
- 9. A packed safe, a safe filled with piles and heaps of unpublished...
- 包裹得严严实实的保险柜,里面满是未出版的文章。
- 10. A further 27 will be constrained by still-unpublished written interpretations.
- 另外27条将受制于仍未发表的书面解释。
- 11. And that, says Bada, is essentially what Miller's unpublished experiments showed.
- Bada说那是Miller没有发表的实验中揭示出来的。
- 12. Use of I.M.R.T. rose tenfold from 2002 to 2006, according to unpublished RAND data.
- 根据兰德公司未公布的数据,从2002年至2006年使用I.M.R.T .增加十倍。
- 13. The difference is that with WSTF, unpublished scenarios are not visible to non-members.
- 所不同的是,在WSTF中未发布的场景对非成员不可视。
- 14. There were said to be unpublished manuscripts in his safe; most pundits were happy to wait.
- 传言在他的保险箱中还藏有一些未版手稿;大部分学者都愿意等待。
- 15. I can say that because I specifically evaluated all types of shampoos in unpublished research.
- 我这样说是因为我在一本未发表的研究中对所有类型的洗发水进行了测评。
- 16. We can guess an even higher percentage of plagiarism for unpublished essays and homework in classes.
- 我们可以推算在非公开发表的论文和课堂作业里剽窃的比例会更高。
- 17. That changed in the early 1990s when much of the previously unpublished text was brought out in book form.
- 但到1990年代初,该政策有所改变,当时许多此前未曾出版的文本均被印制成书。
- 18. In this way our edition discovers and publishes significant variants or true unpublished of Nietzsches texts.
- 这样我们的版本发现并出版,很有意义的转化或尼采真实。
- 19. After just one treatment, benefits can persist for two years, according to Ali's latest, unpublished results.
- 根据阿里最新的尚未公布的结果,只要一次治疗,就可以持续2年。
- 20. My attempt to track down those unpublished studies is described in my second book, No Two Alike [W. W. Norton, 2006].
- 我努力地追踪这些“未发表的研究”,在我的第二本书《没有两个人是一样的》(W.W.诺顿出版社,2006)中进行了阐述。
- 21. But according to a previously unpublished report by the German Federal Audit Office, this requirement is often not met.
- 但是根据德国联邦审计局之前一份未公开的报告,这个要求常常未能达到。
- 22. The details of all but seven of these transiting planets are still unpublished, but Dr Mayor gave the meeting a preview.
- 除了七个过境行星,其它细节尚未公布,但是梅尔博士在会议上给出了预演。
- 23. He left a respectable amount of work and a stack of unpublished manuscripts made more marketable by the fact of his death.
- 还有大量作品和一些手稿没有发表,因他的离世将会大卖。
- 24. Professor Abboud and his colleagues have just completed a similar study, as yet unpublished, with nearly identical results.
- Abboud教授和她的同事刚刚完成了一个类似的研究,虽然尚未发表,但结果却几近相同。
- 25. Their results are still unpublished, but "we've found some interesting laws already, some laws that are not known," said Lipson.
- 研究的结果尚未公布,不过“我们已经发现了一些有趣的定律,一些尚不为人所知的定律,”利普森说。
- 26. Yet there is reason to think that unpublished studies do reveal some important and rather unflattering details about antidepressants.
- 但是有理由认为公布的研究确实揭示了一些重要并且不讨好的关于抗抑郁剂的细节。
- 27. Yet there is reason to think that unpublished studies do reveal some important and rather unflattering details about antidepressants.
- 但是有理由认为公布的研究确实揭示了一些重要并且不讨好的关于抗抑郁剂的细节。