- 1. The kitchen is unperceived in a white lacquer and stainless steel orthogonal form.
- 厨房是白色的漆和互相垂直的不锈钢。
- 2. Physicality became a shadow reality that went unperceived for a long time on the part of soul.
- 物质层成了一个阴影实相,很长时间未被灵魂发觉。
- 3. I could not restrain my eagerness any longer, and, slipping out unperceived, followed them for some distance.
- 我再也不能抑制心中的热望了。趁着没人察觉,偷偷地溜了出去,远远地跟着他们后面。
- 4. In so doing, one can understand and then ward off problems that would go unperceived if time were moving faster.
- 这么做,你可以理解并随后避免在时间更快情况下可能无法察觉到的问题。
- 5. The germs of destruction it conveys are enemies all the more terrible as they perform their fatal work unperceived.
- 它们把毁灭性的细菌传送给人类,更加可怕的是,它们做的可怕工作未被察觉。
- 6. The "I" in me, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.
- 我的“真我”居留于沉默之屋,哪里无人知晓,也永远无法企及。
- 7. The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.
- 我之“真我”,朋友,居住在“寂静”的屋宇里,并将永居其中,无人察觉,无人靠近。
- 8. The exciting fact was her having lived in an atmosphere to think with dream that her own tendency to provoke it had apparently passed unperceived .
- 令人激动的事实是,她一直生活在一种弥漫着浓重的戏剧气息的气氛中,以致她想渲染一下,这种气氛的意向也明显地不知不觉地消失殆尽。
- 9. All of them, I have been told, contain snares and nets for careless birds, and an almost constant, unperceived challenge to reverse one's habitual estimations and esteemed habits.
- 所有这些,我如是被告知,都隐藏着给专为漫不经心的鸟儿设计的圈套与罗网,个个在劫难逃,对其习惯思维与美好传统的颠覆形成难以察觉的挑战。
- 10. All of them, I have been told, contain snares and nets for careless birds, and an almost constant, unperceived challenge to reverse one's habitual estimations and esteemed habits.
- 所有这些,我如是被告知,都隐藏着给专为漫不经心的鸟儿设计的圈套与罗网,个个在劫难逃,对其习惯思维与美好传统的颠覆形成难以察觉的挑战。