- 1. It has more than 120 billion in unfunded liabilities, mostly for employee health and retirement costs.
- 它有超过1200亿的无资金准备的负债,主要用于员工医疗和退休费用。
- 2. Meanwhile, it has more than 120 billion in unfunded liabilities, mostly for employee health and retirement costs.
- 与此同时,它有超过1200亿的无资金准备的负债,主要用于员工医疗和退休费用。
- 3. But what about unfunded ones?
- 但是还未基金化的养老金呢?
- 4. Large, unfunded tax cuts will heighten their doubts.
- 大规模且没有资金着落的减税将加重他们的疑虑。
- 5. Unfunded or partially funded plans: accumulated assets do not cover liabilities.
- 无基金或半基金式方案:这种方案积累的资产不足以偿付债务。
- 6. Hungry to every weakness of the meal is still unfunded, it is a desperate hunger.
- 饿到浑身乏力下一顿仍然的没有着落,那是一种绝望的饥饿。
- 7. The load is rising quickly; the unfunded pension burden has jumped 50% in the past year.
- 债务负担正在迅速增长;过去一年,养老金缺口扩大了50%。
- 8. The United States' current fiscal problems are rooted in a long period of unfunded spending.
- 美国目前的财政问题根植于长时间的非公开开支。
- 9. Hillary Clinton proclaims that she will "end the unfunded mandate known as no Child Left Behind".
- 希尔·克林顿宣称她将“结束没有充足资金运作的‘不让一个孩子落下’的计划”。
- 10. The FAO and OIE have for some time had a largely unfunded global strategy for fighting avian flu.
- 食品农业组织和世界动物卫生组织已经在一段时间内在全球开展免费服务,对付禽流感。
- 11. If they are unfunded, they come from workers' taxes; if funded, they come from investment income.
- 如果是非基金型退休金,那么钱来自工作人口所缴纳的税金;如果是基金型,那么钱来自投资收益。
- 12. Pension benefits, whether funded or unfunded, are a postdated cheque on the income of future workers.
- 无论是基金形式还是非基金形式,退休金就是需未来支付的支票,支付来源就是未来劳动者的收入。
- 13. Such a fate raises the question of what will happen to the industry’s huge unfunded pension liabilities.
- 这个行业有巨额的无资金准备的养老金义务,而倒闭的厄运将会为之带来难以预料的问题。
- 14. Such a fate raises the question of what will happen to the industry's huge unfunded pension liabilities.
- 这个行业有巨额的无资金准备的养老金义务,而倒闭的厄运将会为之带来难以预料的问题。
- 15. China has had a generous pension scheme that is largely unfunded and runs on a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis.
- 中国一直采取慷慨的养老金方案。该方案在很大程度上没有基金储备,以现收现付的形式运作。
- 16. New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Illinois are all pay-as-you go states with totally unfunded OPEB liabilities.
- 新泽西州、纽约州、康涅狄格州和伊利诺伊州的OPEB债务都是即付式,完全没有资金储备。
- 17. The Tories’ decision to oppose all unfunded tax cuts is a classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
- 保守党反对任何短期减税方案,这一决定是典型的“搬起石头砸自己的脚”。
- 18. The unfunded liabilities of the Social Security system declined as a share of GDP, and the "misery index" fell to under 10%.
- 社会安全保障系统的负债额在GDP中的比例显著下降,“悲惨指标”降到10%以下。
- 19. This is no unfunded pipe-dream. The city is already required to spend $6.8 billion over 20 years to meet harbour-quality standards.
- 这并不是纽约在做一场不用花钱的白日梦,在过去的20年里该城市已经花费了68亿美元使处理过的污水达到港口质量标准。
- 20. Two studies estimate California's unfunded pension liability at about half a trillion dollars, almost seven times its official debt.
- 两份研究估计,加州未备基金的养老金负债达到了约5000亿美元,相当于官方债务的7倍。
- 21. This is a special class, the class of 30 students from Yili and Kashi, belonging to the families of AIDS patients or poor families, there is no income, life unfunded.
- 这是一个特殊的班级,班里的30名同学来自伊犁和喀什,属于艾滋病患者的家属或者是贫困家庭,没有任何收入,生活无着落。
- 22. The participation of major institutional investors adds stability to the market, allows borrowers to get credit more quickly, and decreases the likelihood of unfunded loans.
- 主要机构投资者的参与维持了市场的稳定性,使得借款者更快地取得信贷,并且降低了借贷失败的风险。
- 23. Remember the U. S. fiscal outlook was pretty good in 2000 but as soon as Republicans gained control of the White House they squandered the surplus on tax cuts and unfunded wars.
- 不要忘记,2000年的时候,美国的财政前景非常好,然而共和党一控制白宫,他们就通过减税,发动资金没有着落的战争而挥霍了财政盈余。
- 24. The debt of the public sector was 65% of GDP in 2007; adding in unfunded future costs of pensions, health care and other schemes, the state’s implicit debt jumps to 250% of GDP.
- 2007年公共事业的赤字达GDP的65%;本来就没有资金来源的养老金,医保和其他项目的成本负担更加沉重,国家背后的债务已悄然跃至GDP的250%。
- 25. The program remains unfunded for the moment, but if the order goes ahead, as is expected, a decision on a winner is likely later this year with deliveries due to start next year.
- 此刻,该计划仍然没有着落,但如果要继续进行,正如所预期的,赢家决定很可能是今年晚些时候交付车辆,明年开始行动。
- 26. Remember, the U.S. fiscal outlook was pretty good in 2000, but, as soon as Republicans gained control of the White House, they squandered the surplus on tax cuts and unfunded wars.
- 不要忘记,2000年的时候,美国的财政前景非常好,然而共和党一控制白宫,他们就通过减税,发动资金没有着落的战争而挥霍了财政盈余。
- 27. Remember, the U.S. fiscal outlook was pretty good in 2000, but, as soon as Republicans gained control of the White House, they squandered the surplus on tax cuts and unfunded wars.
- 不要忘记,2000年的时候,美国的财政前景非常好,然而共和党一控制白宫,他们就通过减税,发动资金没有着落的战争而挥霍了财政盈余。