- 1. I can't make it, unfortunately.
- 很遗憾,我来不及。
- 2. Unfortunately the plan backfired.
- 不幸的是,计划产生了适得其反的结果。
- 3. Unfortunately, my time is limited.
- 遗憾的是,我的时间有限。
- 4. Unfortunately racism is not yet dead.
- 不幸的是仍有人信奉种族歧视。
- 5. He unfortunately passed away last year.
- 他不幸于去年去世了。
- 6. Unfortunately, my father is no soft touch.
- 可惜,我父亲并非有求必应。
- 7. Unfortunately, no one took my opinion seriously.
- 不幸的是,没有人严肃地看待我的意见。
- 8. Unfortunately we lack the resources to modernize.
- 遗憾的是我们缺乏现代化所需的财力。
- 9. Unfortunately, the text is sprinkled with errors.
- 遗憾的是,文本有零星的错误。
- 10. I like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.
- 我喜欢猫,但遗憾的是我对猫过敏。
- 11. It won't be finished for a few weeks. Unfortunately!
- 这工作得过几周才能完成。很遗憾!
- 12. Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way.
- 他们不幸在途中遇上了暴风雪。
- 13. Unfortunately, the entire evening was a total nonevent.
- 很遗憾,整个晚上完全让人大失所望。
- 14. Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good.
- 遗憾的是,坏消息紧接着好消息而来。
- 15. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters.
- 很遗憾,我们无力改善目前的状况。
- 16. Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations.
- 遗憾的是新软件并不理想。
- 17. Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments.
- 可惜的是,奶奶好像总是在不合适的时间叫醒我。
- 18. Unfortunately, I don't think we've heard the last of this affair.
- 遗憾的是,我认为这件事还没有了结。
- 19. Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.
- 不幸的是,他的合作伙伴们是骗子,携款潜逃了。
- 20. Unfortunately for him, his title brought obligations as well as privileges.
- 对他来说遗憾的是,他的头衔既带来了特权也带来了义务。
- 21. Unfortunately, things cannot be as cut and dried as many people would like.
- 不幸的是,事情并不像很多人希望的那样板上钉钉。
- 22. This man may have killed others but unfortunately we have no firm evidence.
- 这名男子可能还杀过别的人,只可惜我们没有确凿的证据。
- 23. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.
- 遗憾的是,几乎没有可能看到这些重大问题得到解答。
- 24. Unfortunately attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.
- 不幸的是,将它与其他土豆品种杂交的尝试均告失败。
- 25. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled.
- 遗憾的是,由于意外情况,今年的演出已被取消了。
- 26. Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.
- 令人遗憾的是,制订决策的人不了解实情。
- 27. Unfortunately, fewer than 5 percent of books are now available in Braille or audiotape.
- 遗憾的是,现在只有不足5%的图书有布莱叶盲文版或录音磁带。
- 28. Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
- 不幸的是,这些药毒性很大,妨碍身体抗感染的能力。
- 29. There were glasses of iced champagne and cigars. Unfortunately not many of either were consumed.
- 有很多杯冰镇香槟和雪茄。可惜两样东西中哪一样都没被受用多少。
- 30. Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine.
- 不幸的是,当一张标准床垫用旧后,其弹簧变软,因而不能支撑你的背脊。