- 1. I hoped hang gliding would deliver the unencumbered essence of flight.
- 我希望悬挂式滑翔能给我带来无拘无束的纯粹飞行体验。
- 2. Why not travel alone, in single blessedness, unencumbered and swiftly pursuing one's goal?
- 为何不单独旅行,一个人,无拘无束,快速的去追求自己的目标呢?
- 3. The dream of being able to go out and just have an unencumbered view of space we'll have it.
- 想要可以兴许出去并无阻碍的看看宇宙这个胡想将会使成为事实。
- 4. Leaving TA behind forced me to create a new game from scratch, and to move ahead unencumbered.
- 把TA扔到背后可以迫使我从零开始创造一个新游戏,而且是不受约束的。
- 5. Following a few feet behind, it can navigate a crowded urban sidewalk while you walk unencumbered.
- 它能够在拥挤的城市人行道上行走,跟在你身后并保持几英尺的距离,你就没负担啦。
- 6. On almost any basis, China's unencumbered liquid reserves are much greater than liquid liabilities.
- 在几乎任何基础上衡量,中国可支配的流动储备都远远高于流动性负债。
- 7. So far, so conventional. At the end of July last year, the Fed had $760 billion of unencumbered Treasuries, or 87% of its assets.
- 去年7月底,美联储有7600亿美元的无限制条件国库券,或者说是它资产的87%。
- 8. Dubai itself would certainly benefit from a thorough weeding-out of bad companies, so that its better enterprises can emerge unencumbered.
- 把企业中的“杂草”给拔干净了,自然对迪拜有利,因为这样企业中的“好苗子”就可以风雨无阻的茁壮成长。
- 9. The research situation in aboard, development trend and application prospect of unencumbered environment artificial reality were analyzed.
- 分析了无障碍环境式人工现实技术在国外的研究状况、发展趋势和应用前景。
- 10. No wonder, then, that those who build with glass look forward to a day when their structures will be unencumbered by metal or other materials.
- 因此用玻璃作为建筑材料的人期待有一天他们的建筑不会被金属和其它材料阻挡的愿望也就不足为奇了。
- 11. On the upper floor this north facing connector assumes an airy and unencumbered character given the reduction in the programmatic dependencies.
- 考虑到对设计纲要依赖性的减少,楼上朝北的连接物主要起到通风的作用。
- 12. "The almost complete and unencumbered isolation of the psyche in the dream from the regular normal content and course of the waking state..." (p. 19).
- (17页)“在梦中,心灵与所有清醒生活的日常内容和事件完全隔绝。”
- 13. Having an explicit, fully featured container that we can use unencumbered allows us to provide better guidance around DI and container based architectures.
- 有一个明确的,功能齐全的容器对于我们围绕依赖注入提供更好的指导和基于容器的基础架构。
- 14. They fear that they will engage in a race to the bottom with rivals unencumbered by the fine feelings of shareholders and domestic customers, and so are bound to lose.
- 他们担心自己将参加一场紧追不舍的比赛,而竞争对手却不受股东和国内消费者的细微感觉的羁绊,因此他们注定会失败。
- 15. Instead, the electronic components inside the device are coated to provide protection, leaving the device unencumbered and always guarded against unexpected accidents.
- 相反的,电子设备内部的元件都被喷上了防水涂料以提供保护,使得设备没有使用阻碍并且能预防任何意外事故。
- 16. The glazing used in certain areas around the gymnasium and the climbing gym certainly helps enhance the perception of unencumbered space and increased natural daylight.
- 在健身房和攀援壁周围的某些区域所配的玻璃窗,显然有助于提高那种空间没有阻碍的感觉,和增加自然日光。
- 17. Unencumbered by, I guess, the conventional wisdom, we started out at Yale on a path that I think is — fundamentally that changed the way that institutions manage portfolios.
- 抛开惯常思维和传统做法,我们在耶鲁开创了一条新路,一条我认为,从根本上,改变了机构投资管理方式的新路。
- 18. Bob mentioned in his introduction that I showed up at Yale in 1985, after having spent six years on Wall Street, and I was totally unencumbered by any portfolio management experience.
- 鲍勃在介绍中提到,我1985年刚来耶鲁时,已经在华尔街待了六年,完全没有任何,投资组合管理的经验。
- 19. When we take a species out of its native home and transport it elsewhere, it may face new challenges and die off, or it may find itself virtually unencumbered by constraining forces.
- 如果我们让一个物种离开原产地,运到别处去,那么在新环境中,这个物种可能会遭遇到新的威胁而相继死亡,也可能发现几乎没有任何一种可以制约自己的力量。
- 20. It would be nice, therefore, if all the on-board paraphernalia of propulsion and control could be dispensed with, leaving an unencumbered device that is still capable of directed flight.
- 所以,如果能免除这些促进器和中控装置的所有笨重装备,只留下可以准确飞抵目的地的装置,那该有多好呢。
- 21. The 2004 Athens Olympic champion and former world record holder reportedly suffered a minor back strain while training in Shanghai last week but seems unencumbered as he with two days to go.
- 据报道,这位2004年雅典奥运会冠军、前世界纪录保持者上周在上海训练时背部轻微拉伤,但是,从他两天前准备运动的情况来看,背伤似乎并无大碍。
- 22. The 2004 Athens Olympic champion and former world record holder reportedly suffered a minor back strain while training in Shanghai last week but seems unencumbered as he with two days to go.
- 据报道,这位2004年雅典奥运会冠军、前世界纪录保持者上周在上海训练时背部轻微拉伤,但是,从他两天前准备运动的情况来看,背伤似乎并无大碍。