- 1. The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane.
- 导弹从运输机的腹部发出。
- 2. The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy.
- 贸易赤字仍是美国经济的软肋。
- 3. I know where his soft underbelly is, and that's his material possessions.
- 我知道他的弱点是什么,是他的财产。
- 4. A new back flip maneuver allowed station astronauts to photograph the shuttle's underbelly, and an extra-long robotic arm enabled astronauts see parts of the shuttle that were previously out of sight.
- 新的后空翻使空间站的宇航员可以拍摄航天飞机的腹部,超长的机械臂使宇航员可以看到航天飞机以前看不见的部分。
- 5. The underbelly of the turtle brings the whole thing together.
- 该龟腹部一起带来了整个事情。
- 6. Mintz has gotten a rare glimpse at the underbelly of tireless ambition.
- 敏茨获得了对不知疲倦抱负”灰色角落“一瞥的难得机会。
- 7. You need to find the soft underbelly of your opponents, and then beat them.
- 你需要先找到对手的软肋,然后再击败他们。
- 8. The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
- 橄榄球运动在“非国大”受到抨击,因为它是南非体育的软肋。
- 9. Teenagers are nothing if not experts at looking at the cruel, torturous underbelly of life.
- 少年是将生活看做残忍,残酷的专家。
- 10. And NASA is defending its decision not to repair the gouge in the shuttle's underbelly in space.
- 对航天飞机腹部的沟槽在太空没有维修一事,美国宇航局做出了辩解。
- 11. The stock - market crisis struck at the soft underbelly of the US economy, eg its trade deficit.
- 股市危机打击了美国经济的薄弱环节(如贸易逆差)。
- 12. But when threatened, the animal will clamp down tightly on the seafloor to protect its soft underbelly.
- 但当其感受到威胁时,这种动物会紧紧地贴覆在海底岩石上,以保护其柔软的腹部。
- 13. The underbelly of the upper level vessel is stained black reflecting the ground in to the interior spaces.
- 高层船体的底部染成黑色,将地面反映到内部空间。
- 14. They're not necessarily about the seamy underbelly of life, but there is always the hint that we are eavesdropping.
- 这样的照片不见得要揭露生活里丑陋的、脆弱的地方,但是却总暗示着——我们在偷听他人的生活。
- 15. We discovered that the turtle remains consisted only of parts of the carapace and plastron (the shell and underbelly).
- 我们发现那具海龟尸体只剩下了部分背甲和腹甲。
- 16. Green datacenters typically are built around the idea of maximizing datacenter resources, using virtualization software as its underbelly.
- 绿色的数据中心通常通过虚拟化软件尽可能充分地利用数据中心资源。
- 17. The book provides an entertaining look at the underbelly of the financial markets, revealing what's really going on in that opaque world.
- 该书提供了一个在金融市场腹部娱乐看,揭示什么是真正要在这个世界上不透明。
- 18. There it was attached to the underbelly of the Dark Reaper, and after thousands of years, the ancient Sith weapon was operational yet again.
- 在那里,采集器被附于黑暗收割器下方,历经数千年,这件古代西斯武器可以再次投入运转了。
- 19. Software internationalization is the current international trend of software as well as the soft underbelly of the domestic software industry.
- 软件国际化是当今国际软件的流行趋势,也是国内软件产业的软肋。
- 20. Index CARDS cover blueprints of the pipes in the prison's underbelly and he tries to memorize the route he'll need to take to break out of Fox River.
- 他用索引卡遮盖住监狱地下管道的设计图,试图用心记住逃出Fox River的必要路线。
- 21. The sweaty underbelly of this industry can be blamed mostly on insane deadlines and work hours, ever-changing SDKs and operating systems, and intense competition.
- 极端的开发限期, 超长的工作时间,千变万化的SDK、操作系统以及异常激烈的竞争,使得这个产业的人们不得不擦一把汗。
- 22. Hiro gives Baymax a carbon fiber suit of armor to protect his soft underbelly and creates an Iron Man-like power fist for him that can be launched at evil targets.
- 为了保护大白柔软的腹部,小宏为他制作了碳纤维铠甲,还为他创造了像钢铁侠一样的火箭拳套,能有效地攻击坏人。
- 23. Otherwise, gigs can be heard year-round in the city's underbelly of abandoned factories and squats that look a lot like Berlin - maybe 10 years ago. - Gisela Williams.
- 另外,你可以在城市下区的废弃工厂区去听上一整年的音乐会,这个区看上去就像是柏林-也许是10年前的柏林—Gisela Williams推荐。
- 24. The wind picks up and blusters. Its fat underbelly scrapes the uneven ground, twisting like taffy toward me, slips up over the mountain, and showers out across the Great Plains.
- 风起了,咆哮着,掠过起伏的地面,像太妃糖一样一扭一扭地走来,顺着山势爬过了山,俯冲,穿越广茂的平原。
- 25. Many of the items recovered, like meal carts, were found with their contents compressed from the bottom, and pieces of the plane's underbelly were flattened as if struck from below.
- 很多物品被打捞了上来,比如送餐车,发现的时候,车体和食物都被压缩到了一块儿。
- 26. And if this was its intention, Operation Mekong has exceeded this mission by visually bringing to our attention the shockingly brutal and violent underbelly of a world that most never see.
- 如果这就是电影《湄公河行动》的目标,那么,这部影片已经超额完成了任务,并向我们展现了一个大部分人都从未见过的、野蛮而又凶残的黑帮世界。
- 27. And if this was its intention, Operation Mekong has exceeded this mission by visually bringing to our attention the shockingly brutal and violent underbelly of a world that most never see.
- 如果这就是电影《湄公河行动》的目标,那么,这部影片已经超额完成了任务,并向我们展现了一个大部分人都从未见过的、野蛮而又凶残的黑帮世界。