- 1. The two crimes are apparently unconnected.
- 这两起犯罪显然没有关联。
- 2. She had personal problems unconnected with her marriage.
- 她有过一些与婚姻无关的个人问题。
- 3. My resignation was totally unconnected with recent events.
- 我的辞职与最近的事件毫不相干。
- 4. Support for unconnected and unbound sockets.
- 对未连接套接字和非绑定套接字的支持。
- 5. But how would an unconnected Greek kid get there?
- 只是,一个与之毫无关联的希腊小孩如何能做到?
- 6. Innovators excel at connecting seemingly unconnected things.
- 创新者擅长联系貌似毫不相关的事物。
- 7. Some policies apparently unconnected to water must change too.
- 一些明显与水无联系的政策也必须改变。
- 8. All unconnected devices must be removed prior to cloning the guest.
- 在对客户机进行克隆之前,必须删除所有未连接的设备。
- 9. This output often remains unconnected and becomes a dangling output.
- 这个输出往往会保持未连接的状态,变成悬空输出。
- 10. A SL server that runs a small SL grid, unconnected to the public SL grid.
- 一个SL服务器运行一个小型sl网格,该服务器没有连接到公共sl网格。
- 11. Back then, people felt less urgency to log on to their solitary, unconnected machines.
- 那时,人们不觉得登录到他们独个儿不连在一起的机器是件急迫的事。
- 12. He is unconnected to the Angola trial; and he is a civil plaintiff in the Clearstream case.
- 他与安哥拉一案无关,况且又是“清流事件”的民事原告。
- 13. Armed men shot or hacked to death all in the convoy, as well as some unconnected passers-by.
- 武装人员将车队里所有的人以及一些无关的路人枪杀或砍死。
- 14. Mr Sarkozy is unconnected to the Angola trial and he is a civil plaintiff in the Clearstream case.
- 萨科奇先生同安哥拉事件没有关联,而且是“清泉案”的民事原告。
- 15. Everything of prime moment comes from some inpidual unconnected with any commercial organization.
- 最初时期的任何事物都源于一些个人与任何商业组织的零接触。
- 16. It flags errors ranging from unconnected links, to undefined conditions or other missing attributes.
- 它可标记各种错误,既包括未连接的链接,也包括未定义的条件或其他缺少的属性。
- 17. While seemingly unconnected, the stories together speak to the before and after of what cyber conflict may look like.
- 虽然这两者似乎并没有关联,但这两者加起来就说明了网络冲突的前后形势。
- 18. For example, Feamster found that spammers often try to hide in "dark space" — normally unconnected Internet addresses.
- 例如,菲姆斯特发现垃圾邮件发送者常常试图匿身于“黑暗空间”——通常是一些无法连接的互联网地址。
- 19. It's a spanning tree if there's also at least one path between any two points, i.e., no network nodes are left unconnected.
- 如果任意两点之间有且只有一条通路,则构成了一棵生成树。即没有网络节点是孤立的。
- 20. But why would two seemingly unconnected things - apparently inconsequential eye movements and random Numbers - be connected?
- 但为什么两个看起来毫不相干的事儿——明显并不重要的眼球活动和随机数,会被联系起来呢?
- 21. The trick is to find some third factor that is securely linked to institutions, but entirely unconnected to economic success.
- 其关键就在于寻找出第三种因素,而这一因素要与体制紧密相关,而同时又与经济的成功完全无关。
- 22. Still, while the associations sometimes seem unconnected, if you look at the images symbolically, they might start to make sense.
- 有时候,这些联想的事物看起来是间断的,如果只是看这些事物所象征的东西,也许你就开始有所顿悟。
- 23. On the cloud side, the Amazon SQS service provides a queuing service between applications, even when they are on unconnected networks.
- 在云端,AmazonSQS服务提供应用程序之间的队列服务,即使它们没有连接网络。
- 24. Only in places unconnected to an electricity grid, such as much of rural Africa and rural Asia, are solar cells truly commercially viable.
- 只有在未连入电网(electricity grid)的地区,如非洲和亚洲的大部分农村地区,太阳能电池才真正具有商业可行性。
- 25. One thing about the virt-clone script should be noted: If the original guest has an unconnected device, such as a CD-ROM, the script will fail.
- 有关virt -clone脚本需要注意的一点是:如果原始客户机有一个未被连接的设备,比如CD - ROM,那么脚本将失败。
- 26. Milan began his quest to create electricity when he was a boy living in Khotang, a remote district of Nepal completely unconnected to electricity.
- 米兰出生于尼泊尔一个偏远而且完全没有电网的地区,khotang,从他是一个小男孩就开始就立志要创造电能。
- 27. When create a UI which integrates several services you are likely to get few unconnected "portlets" - each representing the service it interacts with.
- 在创建一个用于集成几个服务的UI时,你可能会有几个不相连“portlet”——每个porlet代表与之交互的服务。
- 28. More than 6 million people remain unconnected to any sewer line (mainly because they live in unauthorized housing settlements), and their wastewater flows into open drains.
- 六百多万人仍然没有与任何排污管道相连接(主要原因是他们住在非法的房屋聚点),他们的污水流进了排水明沟。
- 29. More than 6 million people remain unconnected to any sewer line (mainly because they live in unauthorized housing settlements), and their wastewater flows into open drains.
- 六百多万人仍然没有与任何排污管道相连接(主要原因是他们住在非法的房屋聚点),他们的污水流进了排水明沟。