- 1. Before the departure, B sent me a SMS, said it's also hot in Oslo. As soon as he got out of the plane, he began to realize that it's uncomparable for 25 degree vs. 35 degree.
- 出发之前发信息说奥斯陆也“热”,下飞机又说奥斯陆的“热”是25摄氏度,跟上海的三十五六度真是比不得。
- 2. DNA computing, as a new paradigms in computation technology, employs DNA molecular computation, having uncomparable advantages compared with conventional computers. Thus attracts great attention.
- 作为一种新型的计算技术,DNA计算利用DNA分子进行计算,具有传统计算机所不可比拟的优点,引起了人们极大的兴趣。
- 3. DNA computing, as a new paradigms in computation technology, employs DNA molecular computation, having uncomparable advantages compared with conventional computers. Thus attracts great attention.
- 作为一种新型的计算技术,DNA计算利用DNA分子进行计算,具有传统计算机所不可比拟的优点,引起了人们极大的兴趣。